What To Do When Your Webpage Doesn’t Rank

You have been working for days on your new website and investing many hours in selecting adequate keywords/phrases to attract high traffic and gain conversions. Unfortunately, your website has been running for weeks and continues ranking poorly and you don’t see any signals of improvement.

Poor keywords? Deficient design? Too many ads? Competition? Don’t scratch your head and move forward to understand the deficits, find the solution and enhance your website to become high ranking and appear on Google searches.

The following suggestions are key to boost the ranking of your website:

Appropriate Keywords

Verify the meaning of keywords are suitable for your expectations and avoid hard competitive keywords that are potentially harmful to the website and your pocket. As a beginner, you should consider utilizing moderate keywords to enhance your website and eventually this can help it to grow and expand to begin using competitive keywords and rank higher.

Quality Design Long Poor Content

Your website can have an innovative well-structured design, but it can be damaged with poorly structured content. Validate your content, as deficient content leads to confusion and verify there is no duplicate content that affects your search engine. You can also break keywords emphasis into multiple pages to obtain a higher rank with one word. There are other things that can damage your content, but you might need to further SEO research.

Analyze and Learn from Your Competition

Your competition is always in vanguard to stay ahead of others. Analyzing your competitor’s strategies can help you model your website as you are still a beginner and learning to develop your website. Be sure, as mentioned before, avoid competitive keywords. Remember that everyone’s goal is to stay on top of the webpage.

Evaluate Your Backlinks

It is important to establish a good base of backlinks such as guest posting and blog commenting. Backlinks play a crucial role but please make sure they are adequate and credible. Also, verify these are related to the industry you are targeting.

Verify Your Website Search Engine Optimization is Good

Allow your website to rank easier by verifying your keywords, make your site load faster and revise every optimization with SEO specifications to verify it’s accuracy.

Review is Your Website is Mobile-Friendly

People have the possibility of accessing internet on different devices and you must consider every single alternative and make sure your website is accessible in all instances. Remember that your goal is to rank higher and without covering devices, such as tablets and cell phones, it is impossible to get a good grade.

Today’s world demands quality and focuses to stay on top of your competitors. It is important to revise and make sure your website is adequate and complies with standards to rank high and be part of the top page in Google. There is plenty of opportunity and resources accessible to help you transform your website to a higher ranking site. You can also consult an expert if you feel you still need more guidance in optimization, but I believe this information can help you boost your website, good luck.


Eliason, A. (2018, April 04). Why Isn’t My Website Ranking? Retrieved from https://www.seo.com/blog/why-isnt-my-website-ranking/

Tran, T. (2018, August 31). 7 Reasons Why Your Website Is Not Ranking In The Search Results. Retrieved from https://www.cloudliving.com/7-reasons-your-site-isnt-ranking/

Patel, N. (2018, January 26). Why You’re Not Ranking Where You Should Be (And How to Fix It). Retrieved from https://neilpatel.com/blog/rank-where-you-belong/


(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=rANK WEBSITE IN GOOGLE&nfpr=1&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiXpNSy7pHeAhWnv1QKHQzGD1IQ_AUIECgD&biw=1243&bih=684#imgrc=2As7FlpjK6ST2M:

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1MKDC_enUS772US772&biw=1243&bih=729&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=TXXJW5KVCoie8AODuorICw&q=search optimization tool google&oq=search optimization tool google&gs_l=img.3…10249.18899..18984…2.0..0.95.2271.37……1….1..gws-wiz-img…….0j0i8i30j0i30j0i5i30j0i67.eSCiDTU1O00#imgrc=kNQyl9jSn4zkHM









5 Ways to Increase Landing Page Conversions

Businesses relate to their customers and understand their needs. The rhythm of life and feelings motivate customer’s behavior. Websites are designed to drive remarkable experiences and attract consumers conversion using a landing page.

A landing page is an essential component for a marketing campaign and a specific marketing goal should be the key element in developing the landing page. Driving conversion traffic is the main purpose of a landing page resulting in a sale or lead. When the landing page fails, and as a marketer you can’t track conversions you feel disappointed and ask what went wrong? navigation? Color scheme? Do not think too much and move forward to improve your landing page.

Continuously optimizing your landing page will enhance your business and increase your conversion rate. Content, call to action (button), images, video, navigation, and others are essential page elements to include in the design of your landing page. You should consider the following 5 ways to increase landing page conversions and drive more potential customers to your business:

1. Use Adequate Attention Content and Eliminate Clutter

A good attention-driver enhances your conversion rates, finds meaningful action that captivates and adds value to your users. Use a message and content matching customer expectations and avoid unnecessary information that might distract customers driving design.

 2. Believe in Your Marketing Campaign Understand Your Objective

As mentioned before your marketing goal is crucial in the development of your landing page. Avoid muddle and focus only on your main target whether it is to offer or solution, do not do multiple at the same this might confuse your customers and will drop your rate of conversions.

3. Design Proper Call to Action

Call to action buttons are reliable tools for landing pages. A strong CTA reinforces the purpose of your landing page content, other elements to consider for a CTA are bold colors that stand out and avoid simple statements. A good CTA connects with your marketing strategy, goal and enhances conversions.

4. Apply Clear Align Text Content That is Congruent and Credible

Instructions to navigate should be friendly, easy to understand and align with every element on your landing page, based only on your campaign goal to validate your credibility using a reliable and verifiable source. Do not lie to avoid misunderstandings.

5. Include images or videos in your landing page

Images or videos are powerful tools to utilize in your landing page. Images can interact with your call to action button, display important information and influence customers to take action. A video can deliver your key points and help customers that do not like to read an extensive text. Whether it is an image or a video there are many ways to select what’s more adequate for your landing page and avoid further misunderstandings.

Landing page continuous optimization is essential to increase conversions. There are no specific rules to update landing pages above 5 are existing elements available to update a landing page, but there are other existing tools available in the market to update your conversion rate numbers, you can also consult businesses dedicated to support landing page optimization.



References :

Gardner, O. (n.d.). The 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design. Retrieved from https://www.stukent.com/expert-sessions/7-principles-of-conversion-centered-design/

Saleh, K. (2018, July 05). A 9-step guide to increase your landing page conversion rate. Retrieved from https://marketingland.com/9-step-guide-increase-landing-page-conversion-rate-202814

A 9-step guide to increase your landing page conversion rate. (2018, July 05). Retrieved from https://marketingland.com/9-step-guide-increase-landing-page-conversion-rate-202814

Dane, M. (n.d.). Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate. Retrieved from https://www.business.com/articles/increase-landing-page-conversion-rate/

Gardner, O. (n.d.). The 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design. Retrieved from https://www.stukent.com/expert-sessions/7-principles-of-conversion-centered-design/


(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.google.com/search?q=landing page tips&rlz=1C1MKDC_enUS772US772&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjfkp-MxvPdAhX9HDQIHfNoCzIQ_AUIDigB&biw=1243&bih=684#imgrc=RtVy6cbELOTfHM: