Wednesday- St. Louis City and Monsanto


imageI really enjoyed the river boat tour. Our boat’s name was, Tom Sawyer! The Mississippi River is not as clean as the rivers at home but it seems to be very useful for transporting numerous commodities. On the tour we learned about the history of St. Louis and about the names of different bridges.

image The St. Louis arch was awesome. We climbed into little minnie elevators with 5 seats in them. When we got to the top we could look out and see just how flat Missouri really is!

imageOur last stop of the day was Monsanto’s research facility. It was interesting to actually be inside a Monsanto building and talk to Monsanto employees. I learned a lot about how Bt corn was developed, why it was developed, and how it has benefited the corn industry. I also was able to clarify some questions I had regarding Monsanto as a cooperation, and why/how the media gives them such a bad image.



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