Day 1

Yesterday was our first day in St. Louis and it involved a bit of waiting for my sister and I. Our plane got in early and we hung out in the airport until everyone arrived and then it was time to boogie!

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We came came to check in to our hotel and had just enough time to freshen up and then we were out out the door headed to the Cardinal’s baseball game. Since we had tickets for the Coca Cola box we had an unlimited amount of food available. I think a mixture of not eating a real meal all day and being extremely hungry made the already fantastic food that much more amazing. It rained the first half of the game but it wasn’t anything us Oregonians couldn’t handle! It is really weird to experience rain while its 80 something degrees. The first thing I learned about St. Louis is that it’s super muggy, but I’m adjusting. Back to the game.. the Cardinals hadn’t made a home run by the 7th inning and we were getting tired so we decided to head back to the hotel. As we were walking out the Cardinals made a home run and tons of fireworks went off. The game was really cool to watch and the food was fantastic. A great first day!



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