Horticultural Updates

By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

December 2017

Asian Multi-colored Lady Beetle
Asian Multi-colored Lady Beetle. Photo: OSU

NEW PUBLICATION: Lady Beetles: Should we buy them for our gardens?
(Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, Home Garden Series FS268E)






As cities get bigger, gardens get smaller and large trees no longer make the cut. No worries. The plant world teems with appropriately sized trees
(Kym Pokorny, OSU; source Chris Rusch, OSU MG, OSU Gardening Tips.) http://bit.ly/2AkgTA8

Eleven new and exciting AAS winners, including a Canna, Tomato, Peppers and more have been selected by All-America Selections (AAS), the 85-year-young non-profit plant trialing organization.  Each of the varieties was trialed throughout North America by professional, independent, volunteer judges who grew them next to comparisons that are considered best-in-class. (All American Selections) http://bit.ly/2mOVlWh

Your house is a gigantic bug habitat, and there’s nothing you can do about it! In a recent study, each home sampled had an average of 100 species living in it, regardless of how often the residents cleaned or how many pets they had! (Sarah Kaplan, Washington Post) http://wapo.st/2jOQIL2

Nutritional Symbionts: Why some Insects Don’t Have to Eat Their Vegetables- “While many animals, like humans, consume a varied diet to get these nutritional components, some insects have learned how to cheat the system and can extract nourishment from a nutritionally poor food source through symbioses with bacteria. A symbiosis is a long-term interaction between two different species.” (Laura Kraft, North Carolina University for Entomology Today.) http://bit.ly/2jwr6Ci

Learn the benefits and drawback of using ‘rubber mulch” in the home landscape.  (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU, Home Garden Series FS163E) http://bit.ly/21ll8h0

What are the garden designs trending for 2018? Each year these designers highlight topics of growing importance in the gardening realm. They emphasize the concept of providing pleasure to people in their gardens—whether it’s growing new foods, providing a refuge for wildlife, or creating a relaxing place to share a meal with loved ones. Fun read! (Garden Design Magazine) http://bit.ly/2zou41X

Wisteria growing on trellis surrounding house porch.
Wisteria. Photo: Neil Bell, OSU


Wisteria care: Get out your clippers twice a year and go to town. (Kym Pokorny, OSU; source Neil Bell, OSU)  http://bit.ly/2A1k5xs

“Native trees provide more food — caterpillars — for birds than their non-native counterparts, according to a new study with Carolina chickadees in the Washington, DC, metro area. (Adam Thomas, mphys.org) http://bit.ly/2B3kRcu

Tired of Poinsettias? A new take on the Holiday plant!Whether you’re looking for a host/hostess gift that’s a little bit different or you want to add some living cheer to your holiday decorations, check out these houseplants.” (Meghan Shinn, Horticulture Magazine) http://bit.ly/2gEauVz

The nibble of a green leafhopper is the secret to the sweet flavor and honeyed aroma of an oolong tea known as Oriental Beauty. The bug’s bite sparks a chemical response in the plant, enhancing flavors that delight tea drinkers. “..Getting precisely the right balance of beneficial insects can be tricky. Changes in pests—too many, too few, too early, too late, the wrong ones—is just one of the areas being studied…” (Clare Leschin-Hoar, Tufts University) http://bit.ly/2eiWbnA

The Efficacy of Horticultural Oil and Insecticidal Soap against Selected Armored and Soft Scales study-Overall, horticultural oil killed a greater percentage of armored scales than soft scales, whereas insecticidal soap gave greater control against soft scales. They suggest that differences were driven by chemical properties of both insect integuments and insecticides.” (Carlos R. Quesada, Clifford S. Sadof, Hort Technology) http://bit.ly/2zW542a

A new set of fossil discoveries show that the evolutionary arms race that are forests started with plants that literally had to rip themselves apart in their battle for the canopy. (Indefenseofplants) http://bit.ly/2hIxJxj

It’s veggie harvest time on the International Space Station. (Linda Herridge and Amanda Griffin,NASA’s John F. Kennedy Space Center) https://go.nasa.gov/2mQkRug

Plant colors are not all about pigment. (Paula Rudall, Kew Science) http://bit.ly/2zjSqtO

Photo of house plant, Sanservaria
Sanservaria. Photo: Debra Ricigliano University of Maryland

Houseplants for Low Light Conditions. (Debra Ricigliano, Maryland Grow, U of MD) http://bit.ly/2BaMvFB

Old pest makes a return to Northwest fruit, nut trees. Pacific Flatheaded Borers can kill young trees that are stressed or damaged. (Eric Mortenson, Capital Press) http://bit.ly/2iCzjl8

Monet the Gardener: Life, and art, grow at Giverny. (Susan Stanberg, NPR) http://n.pr/2hSMmBR

The hidden world of seeds. (Adrian HigginsMay-Ying Lam, Washington Post) http://wapo.st/2AkOmdE

Some plants grow bigger – and meaner – when clipped. (Diana Yates, U of Illinois) http://bit.ly/2BaCKax

VIDEO: Overwintering Plants in Containers. (U of Illinois Extension, Youtube) http://bit.ly/2hKEnDl

The century long quest to save the American Chestnut may soon be over. (Nick Malawskey, PennLive, Penn State College) http://bit.ly/2A0QOmB

Simple Bacteria Offer Clues to the Origins of Photosynthesis.  Studies of the energy-harvesting proteins in primitive cells suggest that key features of photosynthesis might have evolved a billion years earlier than scientists thought. (Jordana Cepeleqicz, Quantamagazine) http://bit.ly/2gCYN4b

Cultivating American Gardens.American garden-making has evolved over time, shaped by history, social attitudes, the environment and new ideas.” Take this special visual tour. (Smithsonian Libraries) http://s.si.edu/2BbSny8

Why is it so hard to swat a fly? (Rory Galloway, BBC News) http://bbc.in/2z8SN7h

Why Insects Make Great Ambassadors for Science Education: “…Sensory experience gets visitors in learning mode and piques their curiosity about science.” (Entomology Today) http://bit.ly/2gFH0WV


Natter’s Notes

Slugs & Snails

Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener

Snails and slugs. Ugh. Slime and holey leaves. Yuck. Oregon’s rainforests offer prime habitat where slimy pests thrive.

Pests & natives

Fig 1 – Newly hatched slugs, 1 day old. (J.R. Natter; 2010-10)

“Of the 29 species of slug [in Oregon], 15 are exotic.” (Resource #2.) Of those, the gray field slug is the scourge of home gardeners and commercial growers.

Slug lifetimes vary, from one to two years, according to the kind at hand. (Fig 1) But it’s a different story with snails. Brown Garden Snails (BGS) live to 4 years, Giant African Snails – they’re not here yet – 7 to 12 years.

Invasive Brown Garden Snails, Cornu aspersa were deliberately imported from Europe to California during the mid-1850s to be an upscale edible served in garlic-butter to moneyed goldminers. (Fig 2) Unfortunately for gardeners, snails escaped. Worse yet, when the market went bust, unsold stock was released. (More info at Pacific Northwest Nursery IPM: http://oregonstate.edu/dept/nurspest/brown_garden_snail.htm.)

The native Pacific Banded Snail, Monadenia fidelis, resembles BGS, but has different habits. It primarily inhabits wooded areas, and is seldom a garden pest. When you compare the brownish shells of BGS and Monadenia side-by-side, it’s easy to see that the pattern on BGS is somewhat tweedy whereas Monadenia is strongly banded. (Fig 3)

The Gray Field Slug, Deroceras reticulatum, also called the milky slug, has cloudy mucus. Although it’s a rather small slug, just 15 to 50 mm long – about ½- to 2-inches – it’s a

Fig 2 – Brown Garden Snails in the PNW often have very fragile shells., (J.R. Natter; 2012-05)

serious pest in both commercial agriculture (especially grass seed producers) and home gardens.

The European Red Slug, Arion rufus, is an accidental import from Europe. A showy one. When disturbed, it contracts into a bell-shaped blob.

Leopard Slugs, Limax maximus, are impressive because of their 4- to 8-inch length when extended. If you’ve ever found a mess of slime on a wall, window, or screen, likely this slug and an intimate buddy were the source. During their unique mating practices, the pair of slugs entwine around each other while suspended from a sturdy strand of mucus. (Explicit images at  http://oregonstate.edu/dept/nurspest/Limaxmaximuscourtship.htm.

Management of slugs and snails

– Natural slug predators exist, but are unlikely to limit populations as much as desired, especially if you plant from seed – seedlings are choice nibbles — or if your favorite plantings are leafy greens or hostas.

– Several different night-working, predaceous ground beetles labor on your behalf. Scaphinotus species, for one. (See https://www.flickr.com/photos/oragriculture/23611267674/in/photostream/)

– Regularly scheduled search-and-destroy missions, either early day or late evening. Besides that, revenge feels good!

– Forget about sharp things. You know; stuff like DE, coffee grounds and/or crushed filbert shells. Slime has a purpose, one of which is protection. Plus, such barriers must remain dry. (See “Snail barriers” – http://calag.ucanr.edu/archive/?article=ca.v037n09p15.)

– If you use baits, the best time to apply them is before the snails and/or slugs mate and lay eggs. Some species do so in August, others during fall. Then, some repeat in March.

The future of management

Fig 3 – Differentiate between the native Monadenia fidelis (L) and the pest Brown Garden Snail, Cornu aspersa (R). (J.R. Natter; 2014-04)

As you may know, gardeners in Europe supplement the natural populations of soil-dwelling, slug-killing nematodes (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita) with commercially reared preparations of the same tiny beasts. (See http://www.slugoff.co.uk/killing-slugs/nematodes.)  But, due to strict regulations, those nematodes can’t be exported elsewhere.

But wait. Help may be on the way. Rory McDonnell was hired by OSU about 2 years ago as the Invertebrate Crop Pest Specialist to help farmers manage pesky slugs and snails. (Yea! Gardeners will benefit, too.) He has since located a domestic strain of Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita on the OSU campus. Just as with all potential biological control agents, requirements include extended testing and evaluation prior to formulation and release of a commercially available product.  (Keep your fingers crossed.)

McDonnell is also working with essential oils and novel attractants. Among the latter, an extract from cucumber slices looks particularly promising.

Illegal in Oregon

Oh, yes. Forget about pitting decollate snails, Rumina decollata, against pest snails and slugs. These predators are legal only in the 7 southern most counties of California. Simply put: Decollates are illegal in Oregon.


  1. “Snails and Slugs”- Practical advice for day-to-day management: http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7427.html
  2. “Slugs and Snails in Oregon” (J. Vlach, Oregon Dept. of Agriculture): Helps identify Oregon’s commonly encountered slugs and snails; prints well if set up with 2 pages per sheet. http://www.oregon.gov/ODA/shared/Documents/Publications/IPPM/ODAGuideMolluscs2016ForWeb.pdf
  3. “Slug Portal” – All-in-one resource about slugs in Oregon. Lots for slime devotees to learn there, including identification, the life of a slug; monitoring; management; research; and more. Go to https://agsci.oregonstate.edu/slug-portal/identification.
  4. “Terrestrial Mollusc Tool” – In-depth identification tool for enthusiasts.: http://idtools.org/id/mollusc/index.php

(Click the link below for PDF containing the above text and all the images.)

Snails and Slugs PDF

Scrub jay perched on an open hand holding peanuts
Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Winter Greetings!

The Metro Master Gardener Team wants to extend warm winter greetings to you all!  As the year ends, we reflect on the amazing generosity of YOU!  We are grateful for all the hours you have dedicated to educating and inspiring the community to practice successful and sustainable gardening!  Thank you for making such a tremendous difference to our OSU Extension Service Master Gardener community and the communities in which we live.

We hope you enjoy all the wonders of the winter season!

Weston, Jordis, and Marcia






Spread the Word!  MG Training Registration is OPEN!

Jane Collier instructing students at Master Gardener Training
Jane Collier at MG Training

One of the most common ways people learn about Master Gardener training is through word of mouth from other Master Gardeners.  Now is your chance to let others know about the great opportunities available for serving as a Master Gardener volunteer educator.  Registration is now open for 2018 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your friends, family and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.





2018 Training Line-up!
We have a strong line-up of instructors and subjects for our 2018 MG Training classes.  The schedule offers some exciting new changes.  In support of the goals of the state Master Gardener program, instructors of our in-person classes are adding more interactive and hands-on activities to their presentations.

Additions to this year’s schedule are Berries, taught by fellow MG Jane Collier and Plant ID, taught by Jen Gorski, from the Clackamas Extension Forestry Department.  We look forward to both Jane’s and Jen’s presentations, which will incorporate active learning.

We are grateful to have our perennial favorite instructors joining us for 2018.  Jen Aron, Chip Bubl, Claudia Groth, Monica Maggio, Jean Natter, and Weston Miller.

All of the 2018 Training classes will qualify for 2018 MG continuing garden education/recertification credit.

For the detailed 2018 Training schedule, please see the link below.

2018 Metro Master Gardener Training Schedule

Class Coordinators Meeting for MG Training – Save the Date!
MG training could not take place without the fantastic team of MGs who assist with coordinating the classes.

We are grateful to have our three amazing Class Coordinators, Cindy Manselle (Oregon City), Beven Peters (Portland), and Trina Studebaker (Beaverton) returning to lead the charge offering a well-organized and welcoming training environment.

Those of you who are interested in assisting Cindy, Beven or Trina at one of the three training locations, please join us for a Class Coordinators meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd, from 10am to 2pm at the Clackamas Extension office (200 Warner-Milne Road, Oregon City).  We will meet to discuss the upcoming training and will assemble Sustainable Gardening Handbooks for the new trainees.

If you can attend the meeting or have questions, please email Jordis Yost jordis.yost@oregonstate.edu  If you are interested in assisting with class coordination but can’t attend the January 23rd meeting, please let Jordis know your interest.

Evergreen bough
Photo: CC0 by PublicDomainPictures

Seeking Plant Gatherers
Thank you to those who kindly volunteered to assist Jen Gorski, our Plant ID instructor, in collecting plant samples to provide for the class attendees.  We still need a couple more volunteers.  As mentioned before, this will require some major specimen gathering, and we are seeking a few dedicated MGs to serve as Plant Gatherers to assist with the project.

Jen will coach and educate the team on what plant samples are needed and how she would like the specimens gathered.   Volunteers must commit to meeting with Jen in January prior to collecting and to collect the specimens, per Jen’s specifications, the week of February 19th, come rain, sun, snow or sleet.  This will be a great learning opportunity to work with Jen and a lot of fun plant gathering with other plant enthusiasts.  If interested, contact Marcia McIntyre marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

Changes afoot at the Clackamas County Extension Office!

Many changes are afoot at the Clackamas County Extension office.  Although most of you do not have contact with the office staff.  Their contributions and effect on the Master Gardener Program are invaluable – so we want to share the news and our wishes.

Roxie Applebee
Happy Retirement Roxie!

Congratulations and Our Utmost Gratitude!

The Metro-area Master Gardener team joins in sending our sincere congratulation to long-time Clackamas County Extension Office Manager, Roxie Applebee who is retiring.  Roxie has been managing and guiding the office staff for nearly 45 years!  We are truly grateful to Roxie for her incredible, dedicated support of the Master Gardener Program.  Thank you Roxie for your amazing attention to detail, watching out for the MG program and staff, your kindness, and making the Clackamas office such a welcoming and professional environment!  Our utmost thanks!



Photo courtesy of Trisha White


Welcome Lynn!

Welcome Lynn! Pictured here (third from the left, back row) with his family.

We want to extend a warm welcome to Lynn Squire the new office manager for Clackamas County Extension.  Lynn and his family are moving from Utah for a new adventure in Oregon. We have alerted Lynn to the grey days and rain – but also the many rewards of living in Oregon.  We are very much looking forward to working with Lynn and sharing the world of the Master Gardener program with him.








Photo courtesy of Lynn Squire

Jean Bremer
Thank you Jean!

Thank you Jean!

Many of you who drop-by or call the Clackamas Extension office have had the pleasure of meeting Jean Bremer, our front office support staff, for the Master Gardener Program the past 7 years.   Jean’s responsibilities are changing.  She now is support for Extension Forestry in the Clackamas office.  We will miss her presence working with the MG program, but are happy we will still be seeing Jean at the office daily.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jean for her stellar support of the MG program.  Jean we are sincerely grateful to you for all your hard work, diligence, and ever-welcoming, kind and patient presence!




Welcome Janet!

Janet Hohman smiling with a pig
Welcome Janet!

We are pleased to welcome and introduce Janet Hohman, who joined the Clackamas Extension team this past October.  Janet is serving as front office support for the Master Gardener Program, and we are looking forward to working with her.  Janet has jumped right in, learning the nitty-gritty of our expansive MG program.  She has not skipped a beat – and maintains a smile and eager effort with all that has been sent her way.   A few fun facts about Janet…she has confessed to LOVING dirt (hey, we are fans too!), has a keen interest in composting, and plays the banjo!  If you come to the Clackamas office to volunteer – be sure to join us in giving Janet a warm welcome.  We are thrilled to have her working as part of the MG team!



Photo courtesy of Janet Hohman




Keeping the public in-the-know with great garden tips for fall!

Portugal Jardim Tropical Monte Palace
Portugal Jardim Tropical Monte Palace Garden

Master Gardeners Invited to Join Portugal Garden Tour

Master Gardener, Jane Miller, is organizing a group of MGs for a journey through the gardens of Portugal, April 10 – 21, 2018.  If you are interested in joining fellow Master Gardeners for this private tour of inspiring gardens, please follow this link: Portugal Garden Tour, April 10-21, 2018









Horticultural Updates

By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

November 2017

Compost pile with wheelbarrow
Compost. Photo: Tiffany Woods, OSU

What does that mean?  Experts take on gardening jargon. (Gardening Tips, Kym Pokorny, OSU) http://bit.ly/2kU9JvA







A Hormonal tug-of-war helps plant roots navigate their journey through the soil.  A sophisticated mechanism that allows plant roots to quickly respond to changes in soil conditions has been identified by an international research team. (John Innes Centre via Science Daily) http://bit.ly/2hL7aH9

Podcast: How Plants Work.  Learn about the relationship of roots and fungi, ways plants defend themselves, the ‘Wiggle Test”, mulch volcanoes and more. (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU, via the Joe Gardener Show) http://bit.ly/2x0alRN

Get expert advice on control of sneaky root weevils with beneficial nematodes. (Gardening Tips, Kym Pokorny & Robin Rosetta, OSU) http://bit.ly/2gnGTlZ

An interesting report of a DNA study,Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities exposed with new DNA sequencing approach.”  (Botanical Society of America via Eurekalert!) http://bit.ly/2kUfQzS

Reducing Lyme risks from Ticks. A long-term study, in Connecticut, of managing Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii) shows that clearing the invasive shrub from a wooded area once can lead to a significant reduction in abundance of blacklegged ticks (Ixodes scapularis) for as long as six years. (Environmental Entomology) http://bit.ly/2igwCIC

Every child belongs in the garden!  As the saying goes, more than a seed is planted in a garden. Children can learn not just about how natural systems work in a garden—what critters and plants live where and what do they need to survive, but also about themselves.  (University of New Hampshire Extension) http://bit.ly/2wz33Es

Get this printable online publication, Bee Basics, and Introduction to our Native Bees, (USDA Forest Service and Pollinator Partnership Publication) http://bit.ly/2lPqxja

Trees showing fall color (red)
Fall Color. Photo: John Fech, University of Nebraska

Why do trees change color in the fall?  (John Fech, U of Nebraska via Gro Big Red) http://bit.ly/2gnlY2q

Can you identify a tree by its bark? (Karen Russ, HGIF, Clemson Extension) http://bit.ly/2gf9CFG

Delayed greening-By delaying the development of chlorophyll until the leaf is fully expanded and a bit tougher, some plants are maximizing the chances of successfully increasing their photosynthetic capacity over time.” (In Defense of Plants) http://bit.ly/2fAH7Wo

Ants as pollinators? (In Defense of Plants) http://bit.ly/2kT05cG




This alert from PNW Plant Disease Management-White Rust: 

Two leaves with White Rust
White Rust. Photo: John A. Greisbach, PNW Disease Management Handbook

“We are into mum season and so we want to have an eye out for white rust. This quarantined disease has been found and eradicated in several nurseries in the greater Portland, OR area off and on since 1995 and in British Columbia since 2001. Usually it is found in nurseries that ‘hold-over’ chrysanthemums from the previous growing season. “(Jay Pscheidt, Facebook)


Natter’s Notes

Rose stem girdler, a new pest of caneberries & roses

Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener

As insects go, rose stem borers, Agrilus cuprescens, (Fig 1) are small metallic beetles in the Family Buprestidae, about a 1/4-inch long when mature. This imported European species attacks two favorite garden plants: Roses and caneberries. Their larvae bore into the stems, eventually girdling them. The growth beyond that point wilts and dies. (Figs 2 & 3)

The older name, Agrilus aurichalceus, is still used in various resources. Other common names include bronze cane borer, cane fruit borer, and raspberry borer.

Facts about borers

Before we delve into further details, we need to understand that all insects that bore into plants behave similarly. For rose stem borers, it’s essentially this:

  1. Stressed plants release volatiles (e.g.: ethanol) to attract the pests.
  2. The borers find the host by following a scent emitted by the plant.
  3. The beetles “taste” the plant and, if it’s suitable for attack – adequately stressed – release aggregation pheromones which attract more of their kin.
  4. After sufficient beetles have arrived, they release a “de-aggregation” pheromone which essentially says “Back off, dude.”

5.The beetles lay eggs on the canes. The larvae hatch and immediately bore into cambium where they feed in a spiral pattern, girdling the stem.

  1. The stem develops a gall (a slight enlargement); the growth beyond the girdle dies.
  2. The 4th instar larvae overwinter in the stem.
  3. Adults emerge about mid-May, mate, and lay eggs singly on canes.
  4. Repeat from #5 the next season.


“Flatheaded borers are larvae of a remarkable group of beetles known as buprestids or metallic wood boring beetles, so named for their luminous, metallic exoskeletons. While the adults levy no particular offense other than to nibble a few leaves, their youngsters are real trouble makers and some of the most devastating pests of woody plants.” (http://bugoftheweek.com/blog/2013/1/2/gnarly-roses-rose-stem-girdler-agrilus-aurichalceus)

Here in the northwest, we’re already familiar with another small invasive buprestid, the Bronze Birch Borer (Agrilus anxius). They inflict serious damage and, often kill, stressed birch trees by girdling them, thereby disrupting the flow of the phloem and xylem. (Details at “Bronze Birch Borer” – https://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/fidls/bbb/bbb.htm)

Host plants

As you might suspect, hosts of rose stem borers include roses, but also certain other members of the rose family, among them caneberries commonly grown in home gardens, including both raspberry (red and black) and blackberry. Affected roses may be wild or cultivated kinds.


Affected canes develop a gall (enlargement) at the feeding site which dries, weakens and may break. Fruit production may decrease. Caneberry plants with normally lush growth may die. (Figs 4-6)


Management of rose stem girdler in Oregon is currently limited to cultural methods.  Plant in well-drained soil and provide adequate water and fertilizer to avoid plant stress. When telltale enlargements are seen on the canes, remove them by pruning below the damage, then destroy the prunings.

MGs as First Responders

Here’s an important project for you: Help track the spread of Rose Stem Girdler in caneberries and roses.

If you suspect such a diagnosis while volunteering as an MG, or in your own berry patch or rose bed, get images and/or samples. Jot down a history with at least a few known facts, among them the cultivar name of the plants; when the damage was first detected; also, in which town the plants are growing. The most useful images to verify a diagnosis are the entire plant; a view of the affected cane(s); and a cut-away of the affected section.

Next, email the images and history to me (j.r.natter@aol.com). After I verify your tentative diagnosis, I will notify both you and the entomologist. And, yes, continue to keep your eyes peeled for this new invasive pest, the rose stem girdler in the future.


Be cautious while researching rose stem borers. Several insects have similar common names which can lead you astray. (It may be risky to trust information that uses only a common name for the pest.) What you can tell clients, with confidence, about the rose stem girdler is that management is currently limited to removing and discarding (or burning, where allowed) the galled cane(s).

PNW Insect Handbook contains a brief entry. Chemicals aren’t currently listed for use in Oregon. (https://pnwhandbooks.org/insect/small-fruit/cane-fruit/cane-fruit-rose-stem-girdler)

– “Rose Stem Girdler, Agrilus cuprescens”: A useful one-stop resource concerning the beetle’s life cycle and damage to raspberries. The suggested pesticides are for use in Utah, not Oregon. (https://utahpests.usu.edu/uppdl/files-ou/factsheet/ENT-178-15.pdf)

Garden Insects of North America; Whitney Cranshaw; 2004; pages 476-477; a copy is in each of the metro MG offices.

– “Gnarly Roses – Rose Stem Girdler” (http://bugoftheweek.com/blog/2013/1/2/gnarly-roses-rose-stem-girdler-agrilus-aurichalceus)


Damage to cane berry foliage by adult rose stem girdlers.
Fig 1 – Damage to cane berry foliage by adult rose stem girdlers, Agrilus cuprescens, is typically minor. (Whitney Cranshaw, Colorado State University, Bugwood.org)


Larvae of rose stem girdlers, Agrilus cuprescens, weaken the cane which may then break.
Fig 2 – Larvae of rose stem girdlers, Agrilus cuprescens, weaken the cane which may then break. (James W. Amrine Jr., West Virginia University, Bugwood.org)


Photo of Robin Rosetta, OSU, teaching workshop about Boring Pests of Nursery Stock
Fig 3 – Robin Rosetta, Entomologist, NWREC, during a workshop about Boring Pests of Nursery Stock, 2017-10-13.

Click the link below for PDF containing the above text and all the images.

Rose Stem Girdler PDF

Metro-area Master Gardeners Shine! 

MG Frank Wille displaying his array of thank you cards from students
MG Frank Wille displaying his array of thank you cards from students

The volunteer log sheets were rolling in during the month of September and some impressive stats are surfacing.   Weston shared these remarkable numbers at our Saturday, October 28th, Recertification Training.  Over 500 Master Gardeners reported volunteering a total of 38,422 hours of community service in the metro-area! Master Gardeners donated an impressive 14,500 pounds of produce from MG demonstration, personal and community gardens to local food banks. Thank you for your dedication and generosity!

You dug deep, generously sharing your knowledge and time at our MG Farmers’ Market and phone clinics, area parks and gardens, school and community gardens and special events throughout the tri-county area.

Those figures are just a preview of the overall stats for metro-area MGs.  Look to be wowed by more volunteer service statistics in Weston’s annual program report in the coming months.

In the meantime, know the significant contributions and difference you make to our community.  You are fantastic community-focused garden-educator stars.  Thank you for making the metro-area MG program shine so bright!



Hearty Congrats Class of 2017 Master Gardeners! 

Louise Gomez-Burgess wearing her new Veteran MG badge.
Louise Gomez-Burgess stylin in her new Veteran MG Badge

Hearty congratulations to the 2017 class of Master Gardener trainees who have successfully completed their core training requirements and earned their Veteran Master Gardener badges!  Woo-hoo!  Combined, the 2017 trainees averaged over 67 hours of volunteer service in a little over six months.

Class of 2017 Master Gardeners, we hope you have been enriched by your training and service as a community garden-educator.  We know the Master Gardener program has been enhanced and inspired by your energy and passion.  Thank you for your volunteer service and welcome to the Master Gardener family!   We look forward to having you as part of our garden-educator team!

Completing Core MG Training Requirements

For those of you who are still working towards your requirements, please keep us updated by filling out a Volunteer Log Sheet with your volunteer service (to date) and a signed 2017_2018 Conditions of Volunteer Service.  We want to support you as you complete your journey to earning your Veteran Master Gardener badge.  Please let us know if you have any questions or need our assistance.






MG badge with blue 2018 Recertification sticker
Jordis’ badge sporting the new 2018 Recertification sticker

Stylin’ Blue 2018 MG Sticker For those who have fulfilled the requirements to maintain their status as a “current” Master Gardener, you will have received (at Recertification Training) or will receive (via the mail) a blue 2018 Recertification sticker to proudly display on your MG badge.  The sticker is a designation that you are current and up-to-date, having completed all required volunteer service hours, continuing education opportunities, and completed forms.  For MGs still needing information about how to remain current, please refer to the Volunteer Portal’s ‘Nuts and Bolts for maintaining Volunteer Status’.







Take Part!  4 Question Master Gardener Training Survey
Please refer to the letter below from our State Master Gardener coordinator Gail Langellotto and share your insight and impressions of our annual Master Gardener training by taking part in the survey link provided below.




Dear Master Gardeners,

For the 2017-2018 Master Gardener year (November 1, 2017 – October 31, 2018), the Community Horticulture Advisory Panel has been asked to work on ‘re-envisioning Master Gardener training’ with the goal of making trainings (1) more accessible, (2) more interactive, and (3) more fun.

You can learn more about our work at http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/mgcoordinators/chap/http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/mgcoordinators/chap/

We would greatly appreciate it if you could take the time to fill out this very short, 4-question survey about your impressions of annual Master Gardener trainings. Your responses will greatly help to inform our process.

You may access the survey at: http://oregonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9GM4fJ1ffbovX9j

Take care,
Gail Langellotto

Associate Professor, Horticulture
Statewide Coordinator, Extension Master Gardener Program
4017 ALS Building, Corvallis OR 97331
Oregon State University 
Tel.: 541-737-5175, Fax: 541-737-3479


Spread the Word!  2018 MG Training Registration Open!

One of the most common ways people learn about the Master Gardener training is through word of mouth from other Master Gardeners.  Now is your chance to let others know about the great opportunities available for serving as a Master Gardener volunteer.  Registration is now open for the 2018 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your friends, family and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.

Note: this year there are two reduced-priced application options.  A limited number of fellowship and scholarships will be offered to selected, qualified applicants.  If you know someone who would be interested in serving the community as a garden-educator and would qualify for a reduced-price option, please direct them to our MG Training registration page for an application and qualifications.  The MG Training Fellowship and Scholarships are being offered thanks to the generosity and guidance of the metro-area Chapters.


Exciting New Additions to 2018 MG Training

Photo: CC0 by ulleo

Our Master Gardener training continues to evolve through the years.  We have had much success with our hybrid-training model, but we continue to strive to improve.  This year we have some exciting new changes to our in-class presentations.  In support of the goals of the state Master Gardener program, our instructors will be adding more interactive and hands-on activities to their presentations.

In addition to more interactive presentations, we are also adding two training subjects back to our in-class schedule.  We are pleased to have fellow MG Jane Collier, offering her expertise in the care and growing of Berries, and we look forward to welcoming Jen Gorski, from the Clackamas Extension Forestry Department, who will be teaching Plant ID.  So be sure to check out all the classes in our 2018 Training.


Pine bough
Photo: CC0 by PublicDomainPictures

Seeking Plant Gatherers

As mentioned above, we are excited to have Jen Gorski, Clackamas County Extension Service, present Plant ID during the 2018 MG Training.  Keeping with the goal of having hands-on learning opportunities, Jen would like to provide plant samples for all class attendees.  This will require some major specimen gathering, and we are seeking a few dedicated MGs to serve as Plant Gatherers to assist with the project.

Jen will coach and educate the team on what plant samples are needed and how she would like the specimens gathered.   Ideally, we would like to have teams of two or three MGs collect plant samples for each of the three training classes.  Volunteers must commit to meeting with Jen in January prior to collecting and to collect the specimens, per Jen’s specifications, the week of February 19th, come rain, sun, snow or sleet.  This will be a great learning opportunity to work with Jen and a lot of fun plant gathering with other plant enthusiasts.  If interested, contact Marcia McIntyre marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu


Special Shout-out of Appreciation!

Our Recertification Training, October 28th was an opportunity to give a special thanks to the following Master Gardeners for their generous and significant contributions to the metro-area Master Gardeners.  We are grateful to all of them.  Thank you!

Master Gardener Rob Kappa displaying special recognition certificate and evergreen plant
Rob Kappa

David Butt – Washington County phone coordinator

Rob Kappa – Clackamas County Phone Clinic volunteer (375 hours in 2017), Co-coordinates the Milwaukie Farmers Market, and the Oregon Zoo Education Center.

Kris LaMar – Coordinator Speakers Bureau Clackamas County, Phone Clinic and Ask an Expert volunteer

Cindy Manselle – Master Gardener Training Coordinator – Oregon City

Susan Marcus – Multnomah County Phone Clinic Coordinator

Beven Peters – Master Gardener Training Coordinator – Portland

Trina Studebaker – Master Gardener Training Coordinator – Beaverton

Master Gardener Shawn Van Doren, holding special recognition certificate and evergreen plant
Shawn Van Doren

Shawn Van Doren – Dedicated Clackamas County Phone Clinic Volunteer (over 140 hours this past year), Coordinator Oregon Zoo Education Center, Coordinator Blue Lake Park Discovery Garden, Coordinator Oregon City Farmers Market

Janet Weber – Previous long-time coordinator for the Oregon City Farmer’s Market MG Clinic, dedicated MG Liaison member.

Frank Wille – Dedicated Hopkins Demonstration Forest, school garden and Oregon City Farmers Market volunteer.







We Keep the Public In-the-Know with Great Garden Tips for the Fall

Weston and Monica Maggio with timely fall garden tips:


Photos courtesy of Eddie Rosen.  Thanks Eddie!

Matt Chen sporting his new Veteran Master Gardener badge
Matt Chen
Master Gardeners Andrea Speck-Zulak and Lisa Gillespie wearing their new OSU Master Gardener badge
Andrea Speck-Zulak and Lisa Gillespie
Master Gardeners Marty Zimmer and Dennis Brown point to each other's OSU Master Gardener badge
Marty Zimmer and Dennis Brown




Robin Greenwood holding her OSU Master Gardener badge
Robin Greenwood
Alice Goldstein and JonMarie Purvis pointing at their OSU Master Gardener badges
Alice Goldstein and JonMarie Purvis


Master Gardener Greg Seagler wearing his OSU Master Gardener badge
Greg Seagler
Susan Johnson sporting a smile and patience while waiting for her new OSU Master Gardener badge!
Linda Jenkins wearing OSU Master Gardener badge
Linda Jenkins
Susanne Cavicchi wearing her OSU Master Gardener badge
Susanne Cavicchi