Horticultural Updates

By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

October 2017

 “A Gardener’s Primer to Mycorrhizae: Understanding How They Work and Learning How to Protect Them,” a great new publication from WSU’s

Mycorrhizae. Photo: WSU

Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott.  “Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations between many plants and the beneficial fungi that colonize their roots. Gardeners are often unaware of these relationships and may inadvertently injure or kill the beneficial fungi through common gardening activities. This publication will help home gardeners understand the benefits of mycorrhizae and explain how to enhance their presence in landscapes and gardens.”(Linda Chalker-Scott, Publication FS269E, WSU) http://bit.ly/2ephLqh





Physiological Effects of Smoke Exposure on Deciduous and Conifer Tree Species.” There is not a lot of information on how the smoke from the recent fires will affect our plants, but here is an interesting study discussing how smoke affects forest trees. (W. John Calder, Greg Lifferth, Max A. Moritz, and Samuel B. St. Clair; International Journal of Forestry Research) http://bit.ly/2wzGuDA

Tell little girls that it is never too early to learn about bugs! “An 8-Year-Old Bullied For Her Love of Bugs Just Got Her First Scientific Publication.” (Signe Dean, Sciencealert.com) http://bit.ly/2fpi8C9

President’s Clematis. Photo: OSU

Clematis put on a special show in the garden as they climb up trellises and trees unfurling large, lusciously colored flowers! These garden favorites need a little special handling at the start but once established clematis grow and flower year after year. (Kym Pokorny, OSU)






Did you know the first space travelers were seeds? Learn what scientists are up to now. (Gina Riggio, U of Arkansas; Theconversation.com)

24 Ways to Kill a Tree! (What you shouldn’t do) and 24 ways to NOT kill a tree (what you should do). “Few residential trees die of “old age.” Mechanical damage and improper tree care kill more trees than any insects or diseases.” (Bonnie Appleton, Publication 430-210, Virginia Cooperative Extension) http://bit.ly/2wmEQjP

Watch the five finalist videos in the 2017 “YouTube Your Entomology” contest:  (Entomologytoday.org) http://bit.ly/2w8EePC

Can You Pick the Bees Out of an Insect Lineup?  Take the quiz and learn more! (Joanna Klein, NYtimes.com) http://nyti.ms/2gZ8Ht5

“Tolkien’s Plant Passion Moves Botanist to Create Guide to Middle Earththe retired botany professor spent years cataloging every plant that appeared in his writing, eventually compiling a list of 141 different species. He teamed up with his son, Graham, a professional illustrator. And together, they embarked on quest to transform that list into a botanical guide to Middle Earth.” (David Fuchs, NPR.org) http://n.pr/2xj1iwv

Did you know that referring to our North American representatives as ‘asters’ is no longer taxonomically accurate? Learn why from the article,

Aster. Photo: OSU

How North America Lost its Asters.” (Indefenseofplants.com) http://bit.ly/2jMr3BV











Insects have much better vision and can see in far greater detail than previously thought, a new study from the University of Sheffield has revealed.” (Eurekalert.org, University of Sheffield) http://bit.ly/2wAfvrG

“These Five “Witness Trees” Were Present at Key Moments in America’s History. These still standing trees are a living testament to our country’s tragic past.” (Mike Yessis, Smithonian.com) http://bit.ly/2fC6JPe


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