Garden Grants / Resources

Grants/Funding for Garden Projects

Annie’s Grants for Gardens:  funds can be used to buy gardening tools, seeds and other supplies.

Captain Planet Foundation: provides grants from $250 to $2,500 to school and community organizations that support hands-on environmental projects for youth.  Application deadlines are in February and September of each year.

National Garden Association Youth Garden Grants:  Winners receive $1,000 or $500 gift cards from Home Depot, that can be used to purchase garden supplies and materials.

The Donald Samull Classroom Herb Garden Grant:  Public and/or private 3rd through 6th grade teachers, with classes of a minimum of 15 students may apply for an indoor or an outdoor herb garden grant.

Oregon Master Gardener Association Grants: Typically, these awards are restricted to current Oregon Master Gardeners and Oregon State University Extension Master Gardener Projects.  The Extension Educator Grants and Karl Carlson Memorial Fund are the two grants that may be used to fund garening projects.  Annual deadline of June 15th, for the Karl Carlson Memorial Fund.

Whole Kids Foundation School Garden Grants

CVS Caremark Community Grants:  Community Grants Program focus on inclusive programs and programs for children with disabilities under age 21; academic and enrichment programs at public schools; and programs that provide access to quality health care services and health education for at risk and underserved populations of all ages.  Applications accepted January 1st through through October 31st of each year!

Fiskars Project Orange Thumb:  10 grant recipients will receive $5,000 in cash and tools to help support their goals of neighborhood beautification and horticulture education. One recipient will receive a complete garden makeover!

Tom’s of Maine 50 States for Good Community Sponsorship Program:  this program is a national initiative to support grassroots community projects.  Winners chosen by voters on social media.

Suburu Healthy Sprouts Award:  supports gardens that engage at least 15 kids, who can be between the ages of 3 and 18.

Resources for Folks Interested in Starting a School or Community Garden

An Educator’s Guide to Vegetable Gardening: free, online publication from Oregon State University Extension shows how a full-circle approach to gardening on school grounds can help students understand how soil, plants and people are connected.

American Community Garden Association:  a non-profit group whose mission is to build community by increasing or enhancing community gardens across North America.  Check out their Best Practices section for fantastic information on starting a community garden, preserving a garden, and more!

Eating Healthy, From the Garden

Food Hero:  fantastic OSU Extension site that features recipes and tips for healthy food that is fast, fun and fits your budget.  A lot of Food Hero recipes feature fresh produce that you can harvest from the garden.

Growing Healthy Kids:  Features 12 hands-on, activity rich lessons for elementary aged (grades 2nd through 3rd) children focused on nutrition education and the connection to plant parts.