
This page is intended for use by Master Gardener Program Faculty, Coordinators and Assistants.

All forms  must be held on file for 5 years after a volunteer leaves the program, before the forms can be destroyed. [See Oregon Secretary of State Records Retention Schedule, 166-300-0040 Personnel Records, (20) Volunteer Program Records for more information.]

Mandatory Forms: There are THREE mandatory forms that all Master Gardener trainees must fill out and sign, before they begin their volunteer service practicum with OSU Extension.  Veteran MGs need to have all forms filled out and on file.  The conditions of volunteer service form must be filled out, signed and filed ~ each year, by all Master Gardeners. Also, if and when a form is updated, volunteers will need to review, sign, and file the latest version of that form.

  •  MG Position Description:  This form describes the job of a MG Extension volunteer, as well as position requirements and supervision.  If either of the two boxes under ‘optional assigned duties’ are checked, then the Criminal History Check form (below) must also be filled out and submitted by the potential Master Gardener trainee. If a Master Gardener changes their position description during the course of their volunteer service (i.e. if they did not check that they would be working with children on their original position description, but now want to volunteer with a school gardening program), they will need to review, fill out, sign, and file an updated position description.
  • MG Code of Conduct:  Describes the expectations of MG Extension trainees and volunteers. Retain the signed copy for your records. Provide a reference copy for volunteers to keep. Many counties find it useful to have their volunteers read the Code of Conduct on an annual basis, as a reminder of programmatic expectations and standards. If your county uses the VRS, we are adding a check box to the system, where volunteers can check that they have read and agree to the Code of Conduct, on an annual basis.
  • Conditions of Volunteer Service:  Please check the OSU Risk Management Page for Volunteers, to access the latest Conditions of Volunteer Service Form. All volunteers must complete this form to be a registered university volunteer.  Doing so not only recognizes the volunteer as an official agent, it allows the university to extend coverage for tort liability (civil liability for injuries or damages to person or property of others) subject to the following general conditions:
  • You are working on an OSU task assigned by an authorized OSU supervisor;
  • You limit your actions to the duties assigned (defined in the assigned duties section below); and
  • You perform your assigned duties in good faith, and do not act in a manner that is reckless or with the intent to unlawfully inflict harm to others.

Mandatory Forms: ONLY for those working with youth and/or driving on behalf of OSU

Criminal History Check Disclosure Notice and Release Authorization: This form is mandatory for all Master Gardener trainees and volunteers who work with  youth as part of their Extension duties.  The form must be resubmitted once every two years, to maintain an volunteer’s eligibility to work with youth  on behalf of OSU, as part of their volunteer duties.  Master Gardeners who do not work with youth on behalf of OSU do not have to fill out this form.

Motor Vehicle History Check: Master Gardener trainees and volunteers who drive a motor vehicle on behalf of OSU are required to submit a copy of their driving history to the OSU office of Risk Management.

For more information on the criminal history and motor vehicle checks, visit the OSU Office of Human Resources FAQ page on these topics.

Optional Trainee Forms: These forms are optional.  You may want to have Master Gardener trainees read and fill out these these forms before they begin their volunteer service practicum with OSU Extension.  Unlike the required forms, you do not need to have these forms on file, in order for trainees to begin their volunteer service.

OSU Extension Service Self-Reporting Demographics Form

Photo Opt Out Release: MGs should complete this form ONLY if they do NOT wish for OSU to record their participation and appearance on any recorded medium.  This release form must accompany the Conditions of Volunteer Service Form (for MG volunteers) or the Acknowledgement of Risk and Waiver of Liability (for those who attend a public MG program).  All three forms (conditions of volunteer service; photo opt out release; waiver of liability) are posted on the OSU Risk Website:

Form for Master Gardener Chapters (i.e. OMGA Chapters, Master Gardener Associations)

Temporary Nursery License: For each plant sale held by a Master Gardener Chapter or Master Gardener Association in Oregon, an application for a temporary nursery license must be submitted to the Oregon Department of Agriculture.

For Those Attending MG Workshops / Tours that Involve a Level of Risk

When the Master Gardener program hosts a public garden tour or a Master Gardener workshop that involves some level of risk (e.g. working with pruning saws or going on a wildflower hike, for example)Individual and Group Waiver of Liability forms may be downloaded from the OSU Risk forms website.

Forms for Extension Faculty and Staff

Peer Review of Non-Credit Teaching:  The horticulture department has developed this form for use by reviewers of Extension and other non-credit teaching.  If you are not in the horticutlure department, you should check with your supervisor to see if this form is acceptable, or if there is another form you should use.

Report of Accident/Illness Form:  This online form should be used anytime an accident occurs at an OSU Extension event or site.  Volunteers, when working in their capacity as an OSU Extension volunteers, are considered agents of the University.  If a volunteer is hurt, when working for Extension, the volunteer’s Extension supervisor should complete the form, and submit to OSU Human Resources.  If a visitor to an Extension event or program is hurt, the OSU employee notified of the accident should complete the form.

MG Demo Garden MOU Template:  A template MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) that can be used as a starting point for agreements with landholders who own non-OSU property used for demonstration, learning, community gardens where official OSU Extension MG activities occur on a regular basis.  This form is not for gardens where MGs go to do a one time educational or outreach program, but is instead for gardens where MGs conduct regular programs or perform regular volunteer service.

The steps to using this form would be to:

  1.    Fill out the highlighted sections, as they apply to your county,
  2.    Take out the Statutory Authority, if it is not an intergovernmental agency agreement,
  3.    Send to the PACS office ( for review and signatures.