CHAP Work Area

This is where I’ll post our progress, strategic targets, meeting minutes, timelines, and other items pertinent to our work.


  • October and November 2017: CHAP members complete background readings
  • October and November 2017MG faculty and staff complete a short survey Survey is now closed.
  • November 2017: Gail will compile the results of the survey
  • November 2017: CHAP meets via conference call, in advance of the OSU Extension Conference.
  • December 7, 2017: Gail reports on preliminary progress to the Home Horticulture Working group, during our meeting at the OSU Extension Conference. Gail gathers feedback from those at the meeting.
  • January – April 2018: CHAP works on identifying high priority strategies, and drafting a document with explicit recommendations
  • One idea being investigated: Setting a limit on the minimum number of hours that MG trainees need to complete, in order to become certified MGs. So instead of MG trainees needing to hit at least 66 hours to become certified, we might suggest that we lower the minimum required hours to at least 50 to become certified.
  • May – June 2018: we share our draft recommendations with our stakeholders and with OSU MG faculty and staff. Solicit initial feedback. Revise recommendations accordingly.
    • Carla A. (Tillamook), Jean S. (Tillamook), Pami M. (Benton) have agreed to provide feedback on our initial drafts
  • July 2018:  If we are ready, the home hort working group will vote on our recommendations This will occur in conjunction with Mini-College, during our working group meeting on July 12th. Gail will share an update with the MG attendees, during her annual address.

To Do List

  • Set meeting date (email out to CHAP members)
  • Prepare Slide deck for December 7th meeting
  • Prepare preface for toolkit
  • Develop on-pager template for toolkit, for a single lesson: Entomology One Pager
  • Ask chapters to submit examples of active learning activities
  • Ask coordinators to come to submit  active learning activity
  • Poll coordinators about volunteer service hour requirementsSurvey of MG Coordinators, Hours
  • Poll Master Gardener volunteers about volunteer service hour requirements:  currently collecting responses at 

Meeting Agenda / Minutes