CHAP stands for the Community Horticulture Advisory Panel. This panel consists of five people: the statewide MG Program Coordinator, two county- or region-based MG Coordinators, and two MG volunteers.
This year’s CHAP membership consists of:
- Gail Langellotto (Statewide MG Program Coordinator)
- Michelle Sager (Wasco County MG Program Coordinator)
- Jeff Choate (Lane County MG Coordinator)
- Marcia McIntyre (Multnomah County MG Volunteer)
- Diana Hardin (Central Oregon MG Volunteer)
This year’s CHAP project is: ‘Re-Envisioning MG Training‘.
How can we re-envision Master Gardener training to make annual trainings a) more broadly accessible, b) more active and interactive, and c) more fun?
Some ideas we discussed included:
- Developing a tool-kit of hands-on training activities for basic MG training
- Considering flipped classrooms or hybrid training models that could be adapted and adopted by counties
- Reducing, or putting a max limit on the volunteer service hour requirement for trainees. Currently, the minimum is 40 hours (trainees). We won’t reduce below 40 hours, but some counties have expectations of 60-70+ hours of volunteer service in the first training year. Might this limit accessibility for all but folks with a lot of extra time?
- Incorporating field trips into training sessions and increasing educational training field trips in non-winter months
- Reducing time spent in the classroom, and developing syllabi that include less classroom time / more hands-on time.
Master Gardener Volunteers ~ Please take this SHORT SURVEY
Home Horticulture Working Group Members ~ Please Take our SHORT SURVEY ~ Survey is Now Closed
CHAP Committee Members ~ Here is Your Reading List!
- Halverson and Sheriden. 2014. The maker movement in education. Harvard Educational Review. 84 (4) 495-504. (optional)
- Thoms, K. J. 2001. They’re not just big kids: motivating adult learners. Proceedings of the Annual Mid-South Instructional Technology Conference, Mufreesboro, TN.
- Wlodkowski, R. 2004. Creating motivating learning environments. in Galbraith, W. (ed). Adult Learning Methods: A Guide for Effective Instruction, 3rd Ed. Malabar, Florida: Krieger Publishing Company.