This technological invention and improvement is actually quite simple. The coffee industry, specifically at home coffee machine makerss, have benefited massively from one woman deciding to flex her creative muscles so to speak, and step out to create a new way for her and her family to live a little easier. The technology itself is almost too simple, it brings up the question of what were people thinking before. All it was, was a simple brass cup with some holes and some paper to line the cup with, pictured below.
(c) [2010] Pictured is a replica of the simple and industry shattering invention that Melitta Bentz created. A Brass cup with holes and special coffee paper to line it has become the standard foundation for the coffee industry.It seems very primitive compared to today’s coffee machines, however the concept still remains the same. A person puts a lining inside a cup within a coffee maker. Then one puts the grinds, the ground up coffee beans, into the cup with the lining. Then a person adds water to the machine which heats it up and flushes it through the cup with the grinds. Then out comes coffee. It isn’t that hard really.
(c) [2013] The Bentz coffee filter in action in its present day form. It has now become sold as an attachment for any coffee cup. Simply line the filter with the coffee paper, put in the grinds, and pour water of your temperature choice through the grinds into the cup.However, many people still use the primitive form of Melitta’s invention today in the modern world. It is very popular among coffee enthusiasts and traditionalists. It is easier to use, certainly less expensive than a coffee making machine, and gives a more authentic experience to the coffee drinker because it is grind t cup in front of your eyes. No flavoring or creamer or special holiday themed blends are used, it is strictly coffee.
It is important to know how Melitta came up with this invention and process because it speaks volumes to the empowerment of women. She used her ingenuity, creativeness, and observations to make this process happen. Women need to feel empowered to create and add value to society because they do. Women are vital parts of society with more functions than just being a mother or just being a wife. Melitta was able to revolutionize an entire industry and create a company which set her family up with great financial standing for generations to come.
(c) [2010] Logo of Melitta Bentz’ company which she started out of her home. The company has now grown into a international company headquartered in Germany that is worth 1.325 Billion Euros as of 2014 according to Wikipedia. Shows what a woman can do with an idea and conviction.She was able to embody the spirit of a woman who changed an industry’s technology because she simply saw a need and filled it. This would have never happened if she had sat by and let the traditional roles of society tell her she couldn’t do this or that it was a man’s job to create. She along with many other influential and revolutionary visionaries stood up and said enough was enough, women will be history makers too.