Renee Albertson

Renee Albertson is a PhD student in the Cetacean Conservation and Genomics Laboratory with the Marine Mammal Institute at Oregon State University. For her PhD project she is using molecular tools to assess the population structure and habitat use of rough-toothed dolphins on a regional scale in the South Pacific, and evaluate phylogeographic distribution on a worldwide scale. She began working with Dr. Poole in French Polynesia as an intern during the humpback whale season in 2005. She received her MSc from Oregon State University  in 2009, where she calculated an abundance estimate of French Polynesia’s humpback whales and used genetic demographic tools to investigate possible migration connections of humpback whales from South Pacific breeding grounds to Antarctic feeding Areas. In addition, she teaches FW302: The biology and conservation of marine mammals for Oregon State University.

Renee Albertson est étudiante en doctorat au laboratoire  ‘Cetacean Conservation and Genomics’ de l‘lnstitut des Mammifères Marins à Oregon State. Pour son projet de thèse, elle utilise des outils moléculaires pour évaluer la structure de population et l’utilisation de l’habitat des dauphins à bec étroit à l’échelle du Pacifique Sud. Elle s’intéresse également à la distribution phylogéographique de l’espèce à l’échelle mondiale. Elle a commencé à travailler sur les mammifères marins en 2005, comme stagiaire du Dr. Poole pendant la saison de reproduction des baleines à bosse. En 2009, elle a fini son Master en Science à l’Université d’Oregon State, pour lequel elle a estimé l’abondance de la population de baleines à bosse en Polynésie Française ainsi que les connections migratoires entre les zones de reproduction du Pacifique Sud et les zones de nourrissage de l’Antarctique. Elle est également en charge de l’enseignement du court FW302 sur la biologie et la conservation des mammifères marins à l’Université Oregon State.

One Response to Renee Albertson

  1. Sheila Goodwin says:

    Renee, I read the article in Terra about you, and then looked at your blog from your recent time in the Marquesas. We are headed there this week with the OSU Alumni travel group on a 10 day cruise, and are so excited to see the area. Your work sounds so interesting, and I would have connected earlier with you but it looked like you wouldn’t be down there now anyway. Would have been fun to visit! My husband is the Pres/CEO of the OSU Foundation, and there will be about 30 of us on this trip (along with 1000 other people!). I’ll keep an eye out for these spinners, melon-headed whales, etc.

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