News Feed

I was able to set up the news feed rather easily. I added the news option to my google account. When that popped up there was a side bar on the right that listed the news topics that were being shown. I customized that the reflect women and technology. I then scrolled down to the bottom of the page and selected the CSS link. When that popped up I copied the URL in the bar at the top of the screen.

I then opened up my blog page and selected appearance, then widgets. I dragged the CSS widget up into the list of items I want to be shown on my blog site. Once that is entered there I clicked add new and copied the URL there. I named it to reflect the news that would appear in the feed.

I think that this tool will be great to help me find current information pertaining to what I will be blogging about. It helps a lot that you can customize it and will work in tandem with my blog posts. I learned that I can learn more about gender issues by utilizing this source.

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