Exercise #9

It is really important for our bodies to be exposed to different types of microbes because it allows for our immune systems to advance their knowledge, which makes them more able to fight off harmful bacteria. It is when our immune system is not exposed that we can easily fall victim to a simple bacteria.

Human behaviors that contribute to the decreased exposure to microbes:

  • Formula feeding instead of using breast milk: With using formula, the infant isn’t exposed to the helpful microbes that are within the breast milk of their mothers. Breast milk is found to boost the immune systems of the babies that are drinking the milk and without it, there is a chance of not being exposed to that bacterium for further prevention of illness.
  • C-section birth: While this type of birth method may not be a choice for certain moms, it had become a widely used way to safely deliver a baby. Unfortunately, with the use of a C-section, infants are not exposed to the vaginal microbes that are within their mothers as they exit and therefore do not have them as babies. Although still being studied about the risk to the lack of exposure, it can be one influence on the exposure to microbial life
  • Constant use of antibiotics: Using antibiotics kills bacteria. Most of the antibiotics that are made do not specifically target just one type of bacteria but are designed to target a large variety of them. This is beneficial when trying to kill a harmful bacterium but it is also very bad for your body when it kills the microbial life that is good for your health.
  • Not going outside/ having a very sterile living space: Having a very sterile environment or not getting outside to experience the microbial life beyond your living space can be very bad. Without exposure, you will not have the necessary immune system to fight off the simple bacterium; it can actually cause you to become sicker easier. Although it may seem that limiting the types of exposure would be good, it turns out that it can have the opposite effect.

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