Exercise #8

Free Write 1:

I really liked learning about the influences that microbes have on our intestinal tracks like the gut. I want to know more about the mother to child relationship because I would imagine that to be really interesting. I enjoyed reading about the different STDs that microbes produce in our bodies. I hope to one day to help people who are suffering from medical issues so just knowing what infections you can get from other people is really important. I want to learn more about the microbial influences on genetics like HIV. It is something that is really intriguing into me and I hope that one day there will be a cure. I want to know more about specifics regarding treatments for microbial life and the advancements in vaccinations for certain diseases (breakthroughs) such as HPV and herpes. I thought it was really cool learning about the different strains (cagA+ and cagA-) and the effect that it had in our guts.

Free Write 3: vaccinations for certain diseases (breakthroughs) such as HPV and herpes.

Different variations of the microbes, difficult to treat, takes a lot of time, always changing, can be vary dangerous (HPV), both are for life, untreatable, through sexual contact or sharing of bodily fluids (herpes), social stigma, easily transmitted, there is a vaccination for two HPV strains none for herpes, both are very very common in the public, intriguing, not a huge urgency to find a treatment for herpes but very important for HPV because it can cause cancer, deadly, causing rapid cellular growth within the cervix, 4 types represent 80% of cervical cases in women,

Free Write 4:

I surprisingly really enjoyed doing this free write. Normally I don’t take things like this very seriously and kind of brush them off when writing a paper but I think it would help me. My goal for writing my paper is to do a ton of research before siting down to write it. Once I have done a lot of research I want to sit down and do a free write. This will allow me to get out all of the information that I have so far for this topic. I also will be able to look at the statements I make and develop a plan for how I want to construct my paper. This exercise will help me to hopefully avoid the common writer’s block and come up with a successful and well-written paper.

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