Prep work continues for expansion

For 8/13-8/17

As site prep continues for the new clinic and lecture hall, this week you will notice a little more light shining into the current Magruder Hall. Trees at both site locations have been removed, this week the stumps and logs will be removed and work will begin to clear bushing and land.

Please be aware when using the hospital parking, there will be removal of a concrete sidewalk and the start of excavation for footings and slabs for the clinic.

Throughout the week, we may also notice a bucket truck working on site, this is to install temporary power to the construction trailer.

There will also be some civil work started, as pot holing for sewer lines will also begin this week.

August 6 – August 13 Construction Activities

Tree Removal will continue to take place over the next week, the main areas of tree removal will be located on the future sites for the clinic and lecture hall. This will be near the main entrance to the animal hospital and the grass lot just north of the Magruder B2 parking lot. Steps have been taken to protect pedestrians at both locations.

Also expect to see the beginning of excavation just north of the Magruder B2 parking lot once tree removal is complete, expect normal construction noise.

Electrical work will also be taking place throughout the site and inside the existing Magruder building. This includes the relocation of existing light poles and electrical work inside Magruder. Also expect a notification for an electrical shut down for a tie in.

The areas of work for this week can be seen on the site plan
