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May 27th, 2011

Dr. Ito Honored as Chair for Lipid Subpanel

The National Lipid Association (NLA) last week launched its campaign (FH its Relative. http://www.lipid.org/) to increase awareness and treatment of Familial Hypercholesterolemia (FH).  It affects one […]


May 27th, 2011

OSU COP Featured in OHSU’s The Pulse

Features include: “OSHU Chapstick Outreach”
This is the second year that pharmacy students bring a compounding lab to inner city schools. The event is designed
to educate middle school students on a […]


May 27th, 2011

A note to Alumni!

Alumni of OSU College of Pharmacy!
Exciting things are happening at the college. Our P4 (4th year PharmD students) are preparing to graduate on June […]


May 23rd, 2011

Rho Chi Initiates

Rho Chi 2011
2011 Initiates:
Aaron Ballensky
Kimberly Belongie
Diana Eng
Abby Floeter
Josh Floyd
Lauren Harry
Stephen Hyter
Tyler Larson
Aaron Lee
Sz chi Liang
Lian Ma
Kayla McGahey
Sarah Nigro
Amy Obersinner
Vaidahi Patel
Timothy Peterson
Eduard Scheckmann
Dmitry Simets
Timothy Simpson
Amy Speakman
Ian […]


May 20th, 2011

Statins may pose risks for dialysis patients

From: HealthCanal.com
CORVALLIS, Ore. – A new analysis of kidney dialysis patients by an Oregon State University researcher suggests they may not be good candidates for […]


May 20th, 2011

Students Awarded at OHSU Research Forum

The Student Research Forum (SRF) is a celebration of student research in all OHSU schools and disciplines. This year’s forum hosted a keynote speaker, student […]


May 20th, 2011

OSSP Faculty Appreciation Breakfast

Student showing their appreciation!
Portland OSSP members gathered Wednesday morning for their final OSSP meeting and a faculty appreciation breakfast. Faculty members were treated to […]


May 20th, 2011

Phi Lambda Sigma Initiation

Phi Lambda Sigma 2011
Pharmacy leadership fraternity Phi Lambda Sigma, Beta Zeta chapter, would like to congratulate its newest members on their contributions to the pharmacy […]