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P4 Presents at Association Meeting

Drew Dunatchik

The April 21 meeting of the Marion Polk Yamhill Pharmacy Association featured a 2-hour CE program provided by Drew Dunatchik, P4.

More than 40 members attended his presentation on Niacin and Dyslipidemias. Drew’s research with Dr. Matthew Ito provided the foundation for his overview of hyperlipidemia, treatment guidelines and an in-depth explanation of formulation considerations for safety and efficacy of niacin products.

Mike Beck said, “Drew’s presentation was fantastic.  We received outstanding comments on his material and the delivery!”

Tiffanie Kuntz

One member of the audience suggested the presentation would be valuable to physicians groups. Marion Polk Yamhill Pharmacy Association has been a long-time supporter of OSU Pharmacy students by funding a generous scholarship every year.

Tiffanie Kuntz, P4 has been awarded the scholarship twice during her four years in the pharmacy program. Tiffanie attended the meeting to express her gratitude to members prior to Drew’s presentation.

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