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P2 Awarded APhA National Scholarship

P2 Abby Floeter

The APhA Foundation Student Pharmacist Scholarship Program recognizes students who choose to invest their time in their school’s APhA – ASP Chapter to help shape the future of the profession while managing the demands of a full-time pharmacy curriculum.

Applicants are evaluated on their potential to become leaders for the profession of pharmacy, as demonstrated by involvement in school and community activities and academic performance. This year the Foundation awarded nine annual scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each.

Abby Floeter, a P2 student, was awarded one of the nine national scholarships. She was selected for the scholarship honoring Robert D. Gibson, an accomplished and respected pharmacist. Robert Gibson has helped to advance the profession and has served as the dean of UCSF and the President of APhA.

Abby is very involved in OSSP and serves on the Executive Council. This year her main goals have been to improve communication among OSSP members, recognize students for their hard work and commitment to OSSP projects, improve reporting and encourage student attendance at state and national meetings.

In November, Abby co-presented at a WBL with Paige Clark, the Director of Alumni Relations and Professional Development, about the importance of advocating for the profession. During the presentation she discussed her experiences on Capitol Hill advocating to political leaders about the role of pharmacy within a changing health care landscape.

Over the past year, Abby participated in many outreach events and attended several state and national meetings. She says these experiences have all been very rewarding both professionally and personally.

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