From left to right: Dr. Anthony Hunt, Hatem Abuelizz, Zhixing Wang, Dr. Fred Stevens, Kateryna Kyrylkova, and Dr. Theresa Filtz.
The 2011 COP Rising Retreat was held at Salishan Spa & Golf Resort in Gleneden Beach, Oregon, on April 1 and 2.
The retreat was attended by Pharmacy Ph.D. students, Pharm.D. students involved in research, postdocs, and their faculty mentors. Twenty seven Ph.D. students gave conference-style talks on their research progress.
The keynote lecture was delivered by Professor Anthony Hunt from the School of Pharmacy at the University of California, San Francisco. His lecture was entitled “Modeling and simulation methods: A path to individualizable, therapeutically responsive, virtual patients.” Students and postdocs presented a record number of 37 posters after dinner on Friday.
The oral and poster presenters competed for three awards. The elected winners are: Kateryna Kyrylkova (Sponenburgh travel award); Chris Thornburg and Daniel Coleman (best podium presentations); and Zhixing Wang and Hatem Abuelizz (best poster presentations).