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2011 APhA Patient Counseling Competition

Amanda Trieu, winner of the P1 class, counseling a patient, Brandon McHenry, on Simvastatin

Congratulations to Sierra Binek, the winner of the 2011 APhA-ASP Patient Counseling Competition. Sierra, a P4, was also awarded the top finalist in last year’s competition.

She will represent Oregon State University College of Pharmacy at the APhA-ASP National Patient Counseling Competition, which will be held in Seattle, WA on March 25.

The competition consisted of 15 participants who competed in the preliminary round. Each competitor was given a list of 10 drugs and was put in a scenario where they counseled a mock patient on a selected prescription. They were given 5 minutes to prepare and another 5 minutes to counsel, and were videotaped and evaluated by faculty judges. The 10 top students were selected to move on to the final round. Judges reviewed the final tapes and a winner from each class was selected with Sierra Binek being the overall winner.

Below are the winners from each class:
P1: Amanda Trieu
P2: Ian McClellan
P3: Matthew Leinbach
P4: Sierra Binek

A lot of work went into making this competition possible. A special thank you to the judges, Gary Miller, volunteer patients, participants, and Ben Michaels for writing the cases. We had a lot of support from the students and faculty and are looking forward to next year’s counseling competition.

Submitted by Lauren Armijo and Sung Hee Hong, PharmD Candidates 2013

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