The Master Academic Collection  and Career & Technical Education Collection (request access credentials) combine to provide over 20,000 streaming videos covering a wide range of categories. The Master Academic Collection covers subject areas such as health & medicine, the humanities, social sciences, biology, engineering, geology, geography, physical sciences, mathematics, economics, and business. These high-quality videos are produced by well-known production companies such as BBC,  PBS, A&E, National Geographic, ABC, NBC, TED, CBC, and more.  The Career & Technical Education Collection provides an assortment of videos covering topics such as career & job search, technical education, guidance & counseling, and family & consumer sciences.  Featuring exclusive producers such as Shopware, Cambridge Educational, and Meridian Education, this collection also meets Perkins guidelines.

This OSU Trial runs through 9/14/2014.

Please tell us what you think. Comments on this resource can be submitted on the electronic resource evaluation form.

Romanticism Redefined is a searchable collection of Romantic-era literature focusing on the period between 1800 and 1830. In partnership with Pickering & Chatto Publishers, Alexander Street Press has published canonical and previously unrecognized writers from Britain, the British Empire, and North America. While the emphasis is on literature—poetry, novels, short fiction, and drama—there are also letters and diaries; political, philosophical, theological and sociological works; literary criticism; historical writings; speeches, lectures, and conversations; travel and exploration literature; and other forms. Also included is The Wordsworth Circle, an international academic journal for the study of English Romantic literature, culture, and society. Romanticism Redefined provides the only digital version of the complete run of the journal (1970-present).

This OSU Trial runs through 9/14/2014.

Please tell us what you think. Comments on this resource can be submitted on the electronic resource evaluation form.

VAST: Academic Video Online is a multidisciplinary collection of videos hosted by Alexander Street Press that touches on the curriculum needs of virtually every department. It provides thousands of titles available covering a wide range of topics such architecture, business, economics, health, history, literature, political science, psychology religion and many more. VAST allows students and researchers alike to analyze unique and valuable content from over 500 producers and distributors around the world.

This OSU Trial runs through 10/14/2014.

Please tell us what you think. Comments on this resource can be submitted on the electronic resource evaluation form. provides access to a broad range of technical literature related to the oil and gas exploration and production industry. The Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) operates OnePetro on behalf of its publishing partners.


Enhanced Access Available



As an alternative to the standard Proxied/IP access listed above, OSU users can register for a OnePetro Domain-Validated account with their OSU email address. Once completed, this new account will provide full access to OnePetro without the need to utilize the above  OSU Libraries-Proxied link. Registered users will gain the ability to rate papers, save searches, view their download history, bookmark content of interest and set up email alerts when new content is added on topics of interest. 



To Enable Domain-Validated Access:


 1.   Register on OnePetro


a.     Go to


b.     Click on the “Register to purchase instant access” link found under My OnePetro in the upper right corner of the webpage [This account is free for OSU-users, despite the wording indicating the Registration process involves “Purchasing Instant Access.”]


c.      Use your OSU email address when completing the brief form. (email address and password is case sensitive)


d.     Click in the box next to “I accept the terms and conditions” and “You can use Cookies.”


e.     Click on the Register button. You should see Hello and your first name in your My OnePetro account.



Complete Domain Address validation

a.   Go to My Account found under your My OnePetro.


b. Click on the Go button found under the Domain Validation heading.


c.   On the next page, click on Validate Me.


d.   You will receive an email requesting that you click on a link to confirm receipt.


e.   You will receive a confirmation email stating that you   are now Domain Validated.




3.Login to OnePetro


a.     To access papers, make sure you login with the credentials you set up above.


b.   Once you are logged in to OnePetro you should see the icons “Get PDF.”


c.      Click the “Get PDF” link to access the complete technical paper.







Enhanced Access Available


As an alternative to the standard Proxied/IP access listed above, OSU users can register for a OnePetro Domain Validated account with their OSU email address. Once completed, this new account will provide full access to OnePetro without the need to utilize the above  OSU Libraries-Proxied link. Registered users will gain the ability to rate papers, save searches, view their download history, bookmark content of interest and set up email alerts when new content is added on topics of interest. 


To Enable Domain Validated Access:


1. Register on OnePetro.

             a. Go to

    1. Click on the Register to purchase instant access link found under My OnePetro in the upper right corner of the webpage [This account is free for OSU-users, despite the wording indicating the Registration process involves “Purchasing Instant Access.”]
    2. Use your OSU email address when completing the brief form. (email address and password is case sensitive)
    3. Click in the box next to “I accept the terms and conditions” and “You can use Cookies.”
    4. Click on the Register button. You should see Hello and your first name in your My OnePetro account.


2. Domain address validation

a. Go to My Account found under your My OnePetro.

b. Click on the Go button found under the Domain Validation heading.

c. On the next page, click on Validate Me.

d. You will receive an email requesting that you click on a link to confirm receipt.

e. You will receive a confirmation email stating that you are now Domain Validated.


2.      Login to OnePetro

a.      To access papers, make sure you login with the credentials you set up above.

b.      Once you are logged in to OnePetro you should see the icons “Get PDF.”

c.      Click the “Get PDF” link to access the complete technical paper.



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The Chronicle of Higher Education is now conveniently available on any mobile device or PC when you use your OSU email address to register for a account.


Go to and click on the “log in link at the top, right hand side of the  page.  Then click the “Create a free Account button. Enter and confirm your OSU e-mail address, then follow the steps on the account setup pages.  

Note: After you login with your new OSU-associated account, the locks will still appear on premium content, but you will have access.


  1. Go to on your Web browser and select “Log In” at the top.
  2. Type your Chronicle login account information associated with your OSU e-mail address.


  1. Open the iPad App Store.
  2. Find The Chronicle app and select the download option.  You will be asked for your iTunes/Apple ID username and password, enter it in and then your app will download and install.
  3. Once installed, tap The Chronicle app.
  4. When the app opens up, tap “Sign In” on the top right.
  5. Type the login information for your Chronicle account associated with your OSU e-mail address.