In 2007, OSU libraries’ subscriptions to Blackwell publishing titles will be moving to electronic journal subscriptions. This will significantly increase the coverage available online. While OSU libraries have had electronic access to Blackwell journals since 2002, our access has been limited to the most recent 2 years worth of issues. In 2007, our subscriptions will expand to four more years worth of issues, back to 2002. OSU Libraries currently subscribes to 238 Blackwell journals.

Blackwell Synergy Journals

Acta crystallographica. Section A
Acta crystallographica. Section B
Acta crystallographica. Section C
Acta crystallographica. Section D
Acta crystallographica. Section E
Acta crystallographica. Section F
Africa research bulletin. Economic financial and technical series
Africa research bulletin. Political social and cultural series
African journal of ecology
Agricultural economics
American journal of agricultural economics
American journal of political science
American journal of reproductive immunology
Analysis – Oxford
Annals of applied biology
Annals of public and cooperative economy
Annals of the Association of American Geographers
Anthropology today
Aquaculture nutrition
Aquaculture research
Austral ecology
Australian and New Zealand journal of statistics
Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics
Australian journal of entomology
Australian veterinary journal
Basic and clinical pharmacology and toxicology
Biological journal of the Linnaean Society
Botanical journal of the Linnaean Society
British journal of politics & international relations
British journal of sociology
Bulletin of economic research
Bulletin of Latin American research
Canadian geographer
Canadian journal of agricultural economics
Canadian journal of economics
Centaurus – Oxford
Chemical biology and drug design
Child development
Cladistics – international journal of Willi Hennig Society
Conservation biology & conservation in practice
Conservation in practice
Critical quarterly
Current directions in psychological science
Curriculum inquiry
Decision sciences
Decision sciences journal of innovative education
Development growth and differentiation
Diplomatic history
Ecological entomology
Ecology letters
Econometrics journal
Economic history review
Economic journal
Economica – Oxford
Economics of transition
Educational measurement: issues and practice
English literary renaissance
Entomologia experimentalis et applicata
Environmental microbiology
European journal of soil science & soil use and management
Experimental physiology
Family business review
Family process
Family relations
FEMS immunology and medical microbiology
FEMS microbiology ecology
FEMS microbiology letters
FEMS microbiology reviews
FEMS yeast research
Fisheries management and ecology
Fisheries oceanography
Foreign policy analysis
Freshwater biology
Functional ecology
Gender and history
Geographical journal
Geophysical journal international
German life and letters
Global change biology
Ground water – journal of the association of ground water scientists and engineers
Ground water monitoring and remediation
Growth and change – a journal of urban and regional policy
Health services research
Higher education quarterly
Historian – Oxford
History and theory
History of education quarterly
Immunological reviews
Immunology and cell biology
Industrial relations – Malden
Insect molecular biology
International affairs – Oxford
International economic review
International journal of applied ceramic technology
International journal of consumer studies
International journal of food science and technology – Oxford
International social science journal
International studies perspectives
International studies quarterly
International studies review
Invertebrate biology
Island arc
Journal for the theory of social behaviour
Journal of accounting research
Journal of aesthetics and art criticism
Journal of agricultural economics
Journal of American culture
Journal of anatomy
Journal of animal ecology
Journal of applied crystallography
Journal of applied ecology
Journal of applied microbiology
Journal of applied philosophy
Journal of applied social psychology
Journal of avian biology
Journal of biogeography & global ecology and biogeography & diversity and distributions
Journal of Chinese philosophy
Journal of ecology
Journal of economics and management strategy
Journal of educational measurement
Journal of eukaryotic microbiology
Journal of field ornithology
Journal of finance
Journal of financial research
Journal of fish biology
Journal of fish diseases
Journal of food biochemistry
Journal of food lipids
Journal of food process engineering
Journal of food processing and preservation
Journal of food quality
Journal of food safety
Journal of foodservice
Journal of industrial economics
Journal of internal medicine & supplements
Journal of international financial management & accounting
Journal of law medicine and ethics
Journal of management studies
Journal of marriage and family
Journal of microscopy
Journal of muscle foods
Journal of neurochemistry
Journal of personality
Journal of physiology
Journal of politics
Journal of popular culture
Journal of regional science
Journal of religious ethics
Journal of sensory studies
Journal of small animal practice
Journal of social philosophy
Journal of texture studies
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series A
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series B
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – Series C
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society
Journal of time series analysis
Journal of veterinary pharmacology and therapeutics
Journal of zoology
Language learning
Law and society review – Oxford
Letters in applied microbiology
Manchester school
Mathematical finance
Midwest studies in philosophy
Milbank quarterly
Milton quarterly
Modern language journal
Molecular microbiology
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development
Muslim world
Natural resources forum
New phytologist
Oikos – Oxford
Oxford bulletin of economics and statistics
Pacific economic review
Pacific philosophical quarterly
Perspectives on psychological science
Philosophical forum
Philosophical issues
Philosophical perspectives
Philosophical quarterly
Physiologia plantarum
Physiological entomology
Pigment cell research
Plant cell and environment
Plant journal
Plant pathology
Political quarterly
Political studies
Political studies review
Population and development review
Presidential studies quarterly
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
Professional geographer
Psychological science
Psychological science in the public interest
Psychology of women quarterly
Religious studies review – Oxford
Restoration ecology
Review of agricultural economics
Review of economic studies
Review of income and wealth
Review of international economics
Risk analysis
Scandinavian journal of economics
Scandinavian journal of medicine and science in sport
Scandinavian journal of statistics theory and applications
Social science quarterly
Sociological inquiry
Sociological quarterly
Sociological review
Sociological review monograph
Sociological theory – Cambridge
Studies in applied mathematics
Systematic entomology
Teachers college record
Teaching statistics
Tellus. Series A
Tellus. Series B
Transactions in GIS
Veterinary anaesthesia and analgesia
Veterinary and comparative oncology
Veterinary dermatology
Veterinary ophthalmology
Veterinary radiology and ultrasound
Veterinary surgery
Weed research – Oxford
Yale review
Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education
Zoologica scripta
Zoological journal of the Linnaean Society
Zygon – journal of religion and science

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