OSU Libraries subscribes to 37 University of Chicago Press journals; these subscriptions are being converted into subscriptions to the electronic version of the journal.

Osiris, an annual serial published by the University of Chicago Press for History of Science Society, will continue to be received in print. Older volumes of Osiris are available electronically through the Academic Search Premier database.

University of Chicago Press Journals

American journal of education
American journal of sociology
American naturalist
Astronomical journal
Astrophysical journal
Astrophysical journal. Supplement series
Classical philology
Critical inquiry current
Current anthropology
Economic development and cultural change
Elementary school journal
History of religions
International journal of plant sciences
Journal of consumer research
Journal of geology
Journal of infectious diseases (including Clinical infectious diseases)
Journal of labor economics
Journal of law and economics
Journal of legal studies
Journal of modern history
Journal of Near Eastern studies
Journal of political economy
Journal of religion
Library quarterly
Modern philology
Philosophy of science
Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Quarterly review of biology
Social service review
Winterthur portfolio

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