By Alexandra Schireman

We can’t picture being anything but show people
Civilians find the whole thing quite bizarre
But that hop in our hearts
When the overture starts
Helps us know how lucky we are!

If the lyric of this tune from the Tony award-winning musical Curtains resonates with you, you might be interested in Oregon State’s theatre department.

The theatre department offers several interesting courses.  Even if you’re no stranger to the stage, you can still benefit from TA 147, Intro to Theatre. This department pre-requisite teaches students about specific theatrical genres, the various roles of theatre artists (e.g. actors, directors, designers,) and the evolution of theatre over history.  Once this course is completed you can register for a variety of stimulating theatre courses, including set design, stage make-up, stage lighting, costuming, play-direction, play writing, theatre history, and acting.  The theatre department also offers a class called Oral Interpretation (TA 121), which is a great way to boost your public speaking skills and knowledge of literature.

You don’t have to be a theatre major to participate in any of these classes.  But even if you can’t fit any of them into your schedule, come audition for some plays!  Again, everyone is welcome, not just theatre majors.  In fact, you don’t even have to be an OSU student to be involved with productions.  One of the coolest aspects of OSU’s theatre department is that anyone in the Corvallis community can audition; students have the opportunity to work with and learn from talented members of the community they might not meet otherwise and the quality of productions are enhanced by the diversity created by the open audition policy.

Oregon State’s theatre department produces a wide variety of shows each year.  During my short time at OSU, I have seen, or been involved with, many productions, including The Coming of Rain (a dramatization of a novel set in Reconstruction Era Tennessee); Glengarry Glen Ross (a dark, gritty play about a cut-throat business world); The Fainting Beaver Follies (a joyful recreation of 1930s vaudeville show); I See God, I See Allah (a thought-provoking play about the true nature of the Muslim religion and the preconceptions surrounding it); and Almost Maine (a heartwarming  collection of interconnected love stories).   Last weekend, The Feeblemindedness of Woman (a play within a play about the life of Gerty Cori, the first American woman to win the Nobel Prize in science) was produced at Withycombe’s Lab theatre and The Sugar Wife (A gripping historical drama set in 1840s Ireland) will be produced a few weeks later on Withycombe’s main stage.  And Mozart’s celebrated opera The Magic Flute will be performed during spring term (I hear this production is going to have a Steam Punk flair!).

Speaking of next term, a great opportunity for aspiring theatre artists will soon appear; auditions for OSU’s one act play festival.  This May, student directors will be producing several one-act plays and these shows provide lots of opportunities for designers, actors, technicians, and stagehands.  Or, if you’re an aspiring playwright, you may want to wait for next year’s one-act play festival which will feature student-written plays (this particular event occurs every other year).

And if you’re going to be around next summer and enjoy Shakespeare, you’ll love OSU’s annual Bard-in-the-Quad production.  Every summer term, OSU produces an outdoor Shakespeare production.  Last year, the show was As You Like It (set in a 1960s hippie commune, complete with psychedelic colors and groovy music) and the year before that, Macbeth (an erotic and particularly dark re-envisioning of this famous tragedy set 1920s New Orleans).  This year its going to be The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare’s outrageous battle of the sexes set in the wild west (ye-haw!).

So whether you already consider yourself a “show person,” think you might possibly be a show person, or just enjoy watching the antics of show people, please check out Oregon State’s theatre department.  We’re a fun bunch and we love new talent and appreciative audiences!


By Amber Gomes

Hello fellow Beavers!!

I should probably start this blog with stating my bias… because on this topic I am 100% of one opinion and it’s only fair to admit it right? I think the International Degree is the best thing ever. It is the reason I chose OSU hands down and I think it is crazy that people who know about it don’t do it.

That said there are many people I have talked to about it who don’t know what it is. If you are one of those people this blog may change your life. Maybe that’s overly enthusiastic but seriously this is cool, keep reading!

The website ( explains the degree as follows: “In-depth knowledge of another language & culture, broader awareness of the world, & a profound understanding of the international applications of your major equals a concurrent BA in International Studies!”

Essentially what happens is you pick a B.S. or B.A. in something; for me a B.A. in Political Science. What you do is take that B.A. or B.S. and add to it. You have to get to the 4th year in a foreign language, spend 10 weeks in a country that speaks that language (Oh what a terrible requirement huh?), take 4 International Degree core courses and in the end write a thesis that has to do with your major.  So for me I am in my 4th year of Spanish, spent 10 weeks last summer in gorgeous Argentina, took the four core courses and will be writing my thesis about the political motivation of disappearing people during the latest dictatorship in Argentina next term. When I graduate in June I will have a B.A. in Political Science and an International Degree in Political Science.

Sidenote: you can kind of double dip in a way. Because I had to take so much Spanish I decided to minor in it. All my Spanish language classes count towards both my minor’s language requirements and my International Degree. The only other thing I needed to do in order to minor was take two culture classes… cake! Though this only works with a minor – I couldn’t count my bacc core classes as my ID core classes or vice versa.

Back to the degree…

If you want to check it out all you need to do is go to the website I listed above. It has links that take you to the graduation requirements, the application to the program and a pretty cool tool. This pretty cool tool helps you pick where you will study abroad for your 10 weeks. You can enter the foreign language you want to speak, your topic (Political Science or something else) and when you want to go or how long you want to go and it spits out every program that fits your parameters. So for example when I used it I put in that I wanted to focus on Political Science, Law or Human Rights as my area of study, I wanted to go in the summer of 2011 and I wanted a Spanish speaking country. It spit out three programs, one in Mexico, one in Spain and one in Argentina and it gave me the links to each program. Clicking on the links takes you to those programs pages where you can look at their admission requirements, the classes they offer, the trips they offer (BEST PART!) and the cost of the program.  It also tells you the length of the program… remember you need 10 weeks but you can do a bit of simple finagling if you need to. For example having been to Mexico and Europe I wanted to go to Argentina but it only offered 5 week programs in two sessions over the summer. So I signed up for both sessions, so two 5 week programs in a row, in the same place for a total of 10 weeks – totally works!

A lot of people ask me why I would go to the extra work to do this assuming that I’m spending more than the stereotypical 4 years here at OSU. I have a couple things to say about that…

  1. Extra work? WHAT?! It definitely was not work to spend 10 weeks in a foreign country. I love to travel! Personally I wanted to learn Spanish considering how useful it is. The ID core courses… there are only 4 (!) and you can pick which ones you want to take so all you have to do is pick ones you like. The thesis… yes that is intimidating. I’m honestly a little bit nervous about it but it isn’t like you are left alone to write it; you take an International Degree thesis course (once a week every other week, so easy!) and they get you started on it. The term you write your thesis you work with a professor in your major and they help you finish it!
  2. Extra time? I won’t lie; there were some terms when I took quite a course load with maximum or more credits. Was it hard? A little bit but it was worth it. And if you don’t want to or can’t take that many credits than you don’t have to. I have a friend that is in the program and she is taking an extra year (so 5 years) to complete it. IS that a problem? No. Either way you do it, it is totally worth it!
  3. Why is it worth it? Because you have 2 degrees when you graduate! I know, going into the Peace Corps and then graduate school and eventually taking the foreign service exam and interview etc. that when it says Amber Gomes, B.A. Political Science, International Degree Political Science and Spanish Minor combined with my experience abroad first as a student and then as a volunteer, that I will be taken seriously. Not only that but I will undoubtedly be a step or two ahead of my job competitors with one degree, no foreign language proficiency and no experience abroad. I know people think those things obviously help a Political Science major but what about my major? Think about how globally oriented our world is becoming. America is no longer an isolationist entity… knowledge about a foreign culture, proficiency in cultural awareness and the demonstrated ability to handle different cultures is going to be useful in any job you get.

I could blog about this for ages… it’s impossible to sum up the International Degree experience and benefits in just a couple pages, but I know I shouldn’t. Basically if this has interested you at all my best advice is to go visit the International Degree office in Snell on the 4th floor. The people there, Nick Fleury the Head Advisor, LeAnn Adam another advisor, and many others can answer all of your questions and help you figure out everything from whether or not this is the degree for you to how to apply your financial aid to a study abroad.

Maybe I’ll see you at one of the International Degree events someday!

Cheers Beavers! Good luck on those midterms!



By Randi Williams

Hello CLA Students!

Congratulations on making it to week five of winter term! I don’t know if you realize it but we are now halfway through the school year, keep up the good work! Now that you are experienced and seasoned college students it may be time to start focusing on some other aspects of life as well, like your finances. If you’ve found yourself running a little low on cash these days getting a job might be the right move for you.  The task in itself can be overwhelming though, and if you’re like me when I found myself in that position you may not know where to start. There are options for student jobs on campus, but as you probably know those jobs can be very competitive and difficult to get. Before you lose hope though, consider another option, working off campus.

During my four years of living in Corvallis I’ve had multiple jobs off campus, and have had great experiences with all of them. But why do this you may ask, why arrange transportation and put that much more work into a job? While the task may seem daunting, I have found a lot of advantages to working off campus that probably don’t seem immediately obvious.

The first advantage that struck me when I got my first job was that I was again associating with people of different ages. On a college campus we tend to only interact with students who are near the same age as us, and while this can be fun, it’s nice to escape that environment every once and awhile and talk to kids, teens, and older adults. This reminds us what the real world is actually like and keeps us balanced. These interactions also provide us with networking opportunities. Jobs on a college campus are usually only that, jobs intended for students, but while working off campus you can make connections that will be beneficial after graduation as well.

Working off campus can also assist in your future, after graduation job hunt in other ways. As I’m sure you all know the economy is extremely competitive, and any advantage you can give yourself is helpful. The vast majority of working college students have jobs on campus, and working an off campus job could give you that edge you need to stand out among all the applicants. Working for a business not associate with your school can show balance and initiative on your part, and proves you have real world experience.

Now that you know all the advantages comes the real question, “How do I get an off campus job?” Luckily, it’s actually not as hard as you may think. Beaver Job Net is a great place to start looking. I found my first job there freshman year of college and to this day it is still the best job I’ve ever had. Employees post openings and many of them are intended to be filled by college students, you automatically meet some of the requirements! A similar place to look is the Help Wanted section of the Barometer. Again, employees will only post listings there if they intend for college students to apply. If you haven’t found your dream job in any of these places look through postings on Businesses all over Corvallis will post job openings here and you may find a career you had never before considered. Craigslist is how I found the job I have now, and it too has worked out great.

No matter how you find your job, keep in mind that any work experience is good experience and be open to different opportunities. The hunt may be challenging, but your hard work will eventually pay off. Good luck!



By Monica Racicot

Howdy readers! I hope you all find our posts on the CLA blog full of helpful information to aid you in maximizing your experience at OSU. Although OSU hires a large number of students to work on campus, finding a job can be difficult if you don’t know where to start.

When I first arrived at OSU as a junior, I got my first job as a student fundraiser with the OSU Foundation. It was perfect for a starting job because they were very flexible with hours, you only had to work three shifts-which you picked, and nobody worked on Saturdays. And you work with all OSU students! The best part is that the OSU Foundation is always hiring. My job as a student fundraiser was to help raise much-needed support for scholarships, departments, and OSU organizations. The job was great for a little while, I met some great people (shout out to our fellow ambassador Amber!) but then I started to realize that I’m not the right kind of personality for fundraising. So I moved on to find a job with the OSU Department of Recreational Sports on the Outreach Team. Best decision I’ve ever made! I’ll brag about them later…but first, how do you find a job with OSU?

Beaver Jobnet! (If you don’t know it, you should)

Here are the instructions from the student careers page on how to get started with Beaver Jobnet.

1. Beaver Jobnet is one source of information about regular student job openings, both on and off campus. Other frequently used sources of information are the classified section of the Corvallis Gazette-Times newspaper and signs at the employers place of business.

2. Go to and click on the Beaver Job Net logo on the right hand side.

3. Create your own personal account following the instructions on the screen (Contact Career Services if you have questions on the set-up).

4. On the middle of the screen you will see a “One-Click Searches” box. Or on the top right of the screen you will see a “More Searches” box.

5. Select Student On Campus Jobs or Student Off Campus Jobs from the list.

6. Click on job title for more details about the job. Application or contact instructions will appear in each job listing in the “Description” box.

7. Ignore the Restriction at the bottom of the job posting and apply directly to the employer by the method they specify in the job description box.

Never done a job search before?

Career Services offers resources for students looking for jobs online and in their office in Room B008 in the lower level of the Kerr Administration Building.
Not all employers use Beaver Jobnet to hire, but a lot of them do. It’s definitely worth checking out and creating a profile! You never know what you’ll find.

Job Search Checklist

Starting the job search can be overwhelming. Check out career service’s job search checklist as the first step to finding a job and hopefully making the process more clear.


The resume is the first introduction to the employer and therefore is your first impression! Find out tips on how to make a stellar resume including what to include and not include, different types of formatting, making descriptive bullets, how to condense your resume if you have a lot of experience, how to write a resume if you have little experience, and information about references.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Curriculum Vitaes (CVs) are often used when applying for scientific and academic positions. CVs tend to provide great detail about academic and research experiences with the intent to market one’s skills, experiences, education and personal qualities. Find out more about how to write a CV effectively.


Typically when applying for a job you need to include references. Find out how many, who to ask, and how to format this section.

Cover Letter

A cover letter is a formal way to announce that you are applying to a position. It should be targeted to employers and specific jobs. Find out more about how to write an effective cover letter so that you are chosen to move on to the interview!


Interviewing can make people nervous and in order to interview well, there are some ways to prepare and practice beforehand.


The majority of jobs are not posted but instead found through networking. But how do you network? Learn the different ways to connect with people and network yourself into your next job!

Negotiations & Salaries

Negotiating salary and benefits is something many people are not aware is oftentimes part of the job search process. Gain tips about how to do it successfully!

Resources to Help Your Job Search

  • Drop-In Resume/Cover Letter Feedback – Monday-Thursday, 1pm-4pm
  • Career Guide – use our handy Career Guide for job search and career information. It will show you how to write resumes and cover letter and provides several samples:  
  • Beaver JobNet has more than job and internship listings; it has extensive tutorials and information on job searching, including resume writing and networking.

Useful links for guidance on the overall job search:

  • JobWeboffers career and job-search advice for new college graduates.
  • Riley Guide a directory of employment and career information sources and services on the Internet. It is primarily intended to provide instruction for job seekers on how to use the Internet to their best advantage.
  • Job Search 101 – smart tips and real-world training workbook.
  • Wet Feet – mission is to equip job seekers like you with the advice, research, and inspiration you need to plan and achieve a successful career.
  • Job Choices – Resume help, interview tips, and more!


Dining Services depends on student employees to help provide great food and customer experiences for all of our guests. They offer opportunities to develop your résumé through experience and leadership training. UHDS provides part-time work that is compatible with your class schedule.

They provide a meal discount with each shift worked ($1.00 per meal). Meal breaks are scheduled for a convenient time during your shift. That sounds like a sweet bonus if you ask me!

Here is the UHDS job site where you’ll find the job application.

Shout Out to the Department of Recreational Sports

We are currently hiring! Yay! We are hiring for a variety of positions that will start spring, summer and fall 2012. Applications are being accepted now and are due in March. You can pick up an application from either entry desk at Dixon or fill out the online application here . Complete the application and include a cover letter and resume expressing your interest in and qualifications for working at Recreational Sports. The department accepts students using work-study funds as well as those who are not.

Hiring Information Sessions:
Monday, February 13, 2012
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Thursday, February 23, 2012
*All info sessions are from 7-8:30pm in the McAlexander Fieldhouse Classroom.
Application deadline is Friday, March 2, 2012

If you take a look at the application, you will see that there are many positions you can apply for and many different departments you can work in. I am the social media specialist on the Outreach Team. At the information sessions you will get detailed material about all of the departments and positions but I will tell you a little bit about my experience with RecSports.

As a member of the Outreach Team, not only am I in charge of our RecSports website, Facebook, YouTube and twitter accounts, but I also create and facilitate presentations on campus, organize wellness events, and take LOTS of photos and video. We work closely with the graphic design team and each member has their own specialty that they bring to the table. The Outreach Team consists of social media, wellness coordinator, membership, sponsorship and marketing assistant. We all tend to dip in each other’s responsibilities which is why I love being on this team! I will graduate in the spring with so much knowledge and experience relating to marketing, communications, promotions, event planning, leadership and so much more! If any of these areas interest you, I strongly encourage you to apply.

One last note, the winter 2012 Career Fair is February 22 from 11am to 4pm in the CH2M Hill Alumni Center. Be sure to bring a copy of your resume!

For more information regarding on campus jobs, visit


By Leah Anderson

When I applied for the College of Liberal Arts Ambassador position, I wasn’t sure what to expect. My decision to apply was very last minute, I literally picked up an application on the day they were due. The job description sounded fun, and I wanted to get more involved within my own college.

I knew once I met my fellow ambassadors that I would enjoy this volunteer experience. Everyone I met was very friendly and hilarious –we all could relate to feeling a tad discriminated against by our engineering and science-oriented peers. I loved meeting so many new people and feeling so connected with my college in general.

One thing I learned about myself through this experience was that I love to talk to new students. It was great to be able to calm their nerves and pass on all of the wisdom I have accumulated over my time at OSU. While at first I was hesitant about giving presentations in front of so many people, I found that it was easy because I was talking about things I knew quite a bit about: myself and my time on campus. Students interested in my major (Fine Arts) would seek me out to learn more about my personal experiences at OSU. As much as I enjoy talking about myself, it was also fantastic giving them advise that may help them be happier and more successful at OSU when they become students.

I also got to learn more about some of the Liberal Arts options we have available at OSU. For example, I had no idea that the philosophy program sponsored lectures promoting world peace or that the speech communication option had classes on public relations. The ambassadors as a whole represent quite a few different majors, so it was great to meet people I probably would never have had a class with on campus.

Overall I’d definitely have to say that this position has become one of the highlights of my college career. Not only does it look great on a resume, but I met fantastic people, wore a hip uniform (we remain the only college that gets to wear t-shirts to recruiting events), and represented the school which gave me so much over the past few years. I’d encourage anyone to apply who loves OSU and wants to find an unconventional way to get involved on campus.

If you’re interested, the application to become an ambassador is located on the CLA website. Fill it out and bring it in to Gilkey 213 by 5:00 pm on February 17th.  If you have any questions or would like more information about being an ambassador, please contact Kerry Thomas,


By Joce DeWitt

There was a time I can remember thinking that my dream career of journalism was a little too grandiose. As if it weren’t reachable or something. The fact that as a high school senior I decided to attend a university without a journalism program did not help my unsettled feelings much to be honest, until I got to campus for the START program. It was there that I learned about New Media Communications and all of the opportunities that came along with being a liberal arts major. Among all of the opportunities—and there have been many—Student Media at OSU has proven to be the most demanding, challenging, provoking and fun.

This is how the story goes: I’m at START with only the knowledge that I want to be in Liberal Arts. I did not know a specific major, I just knew I wanted to write—and I wanted to learn how to do it in such a way that massive amounts of people would be able to read it. Cue Mr. Louie Bottaro: my academic advisor and friend (or at least according to Facebook and Twitter) of four years now. He was at the Liberal Arts booth that day and after I told him I wanted to write, he stuck me in New Media. It was all uphill from there. I enrolled in NMC 101 fall term of my freshman year and became hooked. The instructor of that class (the beloved Pam Cytrynbaum) told us this on the very first day of class: walk to Snell Hall, and fill out an application for Student Media. It was not an official requirement for the class, but the way she talked about it, it might as well have been. So I went.

One can imagine this awkward little freshman girl from a small private school overseas, with only the experience of her high school yearbook under her journalism belt, walking into the office of The Daily Barometer with little to no expectations. I told whoever it was that I saw at the student-run newspaper that I wanted to write for them, and I didn’t care which section or how they used me because all I wanted was experience. My first column was published within a week.

The editors at the Barometer gave me their time teaching me the basic know-how of clean and clear newspaper writing. Fast-forward three years to the present and I am now the Barometer’s News Editor in my senior year, preparing to graduate with a degree in New Media and two newspaper internships underway.

Student Media is what the name implies: a faction of the university that, minus a couple of advisors, is completely student-motivated. It includes three units of print (The Daily Barometer, Prism Literary and Art Magazine, and Beaver Yearbook) as well as KBVR-TV and KBVR-Radio. NMC students are required to take part in Student Media for at least three terms for practicum credit, but that does not mean that New Media students are the only ones involved. In fact, the editorial staff at the Barometer has only one other New Media major beside myself. The point is: any student can work for student media, and get credit for it. Not to mention some of the facets, like the Barometer, pay all their reporters/photographers/sports writers/column writers.

During my sophomore and junior years I was lucky enough to do three terms with KBVR-TV on the Beaver Sports Show. KBVR is broadcasted on local channel 26 to Corvallis and students directly and produces all of its shows. I learned an immeasurable amount there about TV production, camera usage, being on TV, etc. What I’m trying to get at is students are not limited to only one facet of the institution of student media. Therefore, should a student find the motivation he/she has the capability to host a radio show, produce a TV show, write a column, take pictures for the yearbook and edit submissions for Prism, figuratively speaking. The best part? Training is done by students and is an on-going process, so no previous experience is necessary to work for any one of these mediums.

I will close with a challenge. No matter what your major, dear liberal arts students, consider getting involved at Student Media. It’s an experience that you will enjoy, learn from, develop connections, and much more.


By Alex Schireman

For those of you who haven’t heard of U-Engage, it’s an academic program designed to help incoming students learn more about Oregon State and how to succeed here.  OSU’s New Student and Family Outreach program offers a wide variety of classes.  Last fall, offerings included: Science Myth Busters, Why Can’t My Family Be Normal?, Why We Wear Clothes: The Psychology of Clothing, The Origins of Originality, Sports Media in the 21st Century, Everybody Loves the Movies but it Was a Play FIRST!, When is Green Really Green?, and The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Life, the University, and Everything! With so many interesting topics to choose from, students are spoiled for choice.  And while the topics are diverse, all courses are designed with a common goal: to help new students flourish at OSU. These classes give incoming students an opportunity to study in a small classroom environment with other like-minded students.  While learning about their chosen topic, new students are also taught about campus resources, effective study techniques, and time management.  In brief, U-Engage provides an opportunity for first-year students to hit the ground running, as they forge friendships and establish successful academic habits.

I wish I could tell you what a great experience I had in my U-Engage class when I first came to OSU, but I can’t.  The U-Engage course I wanted to take ultimately didn’t fit in with my class schedule.  In hindsight, I wish I had managed to juggle my schedule, because I know now I missed out on a great opportunity. Fortunately, I did wind up becoming knowledgeable and passionate about the U-Engage program in a way I hadn’t anticipated…as a U-Engage Peer Leader.

During the 2011 winter term, I was looking for new volunteer opportunities to add to my resume and I discovered the online application for U-Engage Peer Leaders. I applied and was pleased to be one of the fifteen volunteers selected.  Along with the other new recruits, I was required to take a training course spring term.  There, we were taught how to be effective student mentors.  Activities and writing assignments were designed to help us learn more about ourselves and develop our leadership skills.  For example, we took an inventory that helped us identify personal strengths and weakness.  And we learned that while it’s important to work to improve areas of weakness, it’s perhaps even more useful to understand and fully utilize natural areas of strength.

It was an interesting (and sometimes humbling) experience to put leadership lessons into actual practice as a U-Engage peer-leader.  Thankfully, I was assigned to a class I found interesting (Cross Cultural Communications) and an instructor who turned out to be a supportive mentor.  And it helped that the class consisted of a wonderful group of first-year students who were intelligent, friendly, and very passionate about the course’s topic.

Overall, I had a great experience as a student leader.  But admittedly, some of the projects I undertook were more challenging than others.  For instance, my supervising instructor asked me to organize a discussion panel.  I’m shy when it comes to asking others for help and the prospect of asking people to volunteer their time seemed hugely daunting.  But I ultimately managed to provide a panel of upperclassmen to come speak with the class and succeeding at something I found intimidating felt great.

Being a student leader is one of those activities where you receive as much as you give.  Through the U-Engage program, my fellow peer-leaders and I learned not only how to be leaders and mentors, but how to make the most of our personal strengths in our day-to-day lives.  Because we needed to venture outside of our comfort zones, we became more confident.  We met a lot of great students and instructors we might have not met otherwise.  We gained a greater understanding and appreciation for the work our professors undertake.  And on top of all that, we received academic credit and an impressive addition to our resumes!

So if you’re looking for a way to invest your time and energy, I suggest looking up U-Engage’s online peer-leader application.  Applications are due January 31st.  Even if you didn’t take a U-Engage class as an incoming student, you can still gain a lot from this program.  Maybe even more than you expect.



By Ben Wreath

Hello fellow CLA students! How many of you already feel like you are strapped for cash, and you still have two more terms to complete before summer? It might be a good time to start searching for those summer jobs. There are several ways to stay involved, make money, and gain leadership experience on campus in the summer. In fact, New Student Programs & Family Outreach is seeking to employ qualified, currently enrolled undergraduate students who are enthusiastic, hard-working and committed to assisting prospective and/or incoming students and their families through OSU’s START program. If you can remember your summer visit to campus, START is the summer advising and registration program for incoming students and their families. START leaders will take away new skills and experiences that will open doors and aid them in future careers and opportunities.

I personally was a START leader for two summers after my freshman and sophomore year, and it was my best experience yet at OSU. Being a part of New Student programs freshman orientation program was a gateway to my involvement here on campus. During my time as a START leader I didn’t only educate new prospective students to OSU, but I learned a lot about it myself. It’s a really fun way to meet new people and develop leadership, communication, and public relation skills. In the spring you take a training class so you can really get a feel for what you are doing, so you don’t feel unprepared when the summer gets here. Then in the summer you facilitate small and large groups of students, and lead them around campus. It’s a great way to be involved and get paid while you are doing it!  Anyone can apply, even if you never went through start yourself!

New Student Programs will hold information sessions to give you an opportunity to learn more about the position and answer questions you may have.  Attendance at one of the following sessions is strongly encouraged but not required. They are January 18th at 4pm, Jan 23rd at 12pm, and Jan 24th at 5:30pm in Kerr Admin B009.

If this sounds like something that you are interested in find out more by going to one of these information sessions or contact the office of New Student Programs and Family Outreach. Have a great winter term, and remember the last day to apply is January 31st. So get going ASAP!


By Monica Racicot

How many of you remember back to START when your advisors told you that there are over 300 student clubs and organizations at OSU? They said that if in that whole mix of clubs, you couldn’t find something that fit your interests, you could start your own… well, that’s exactly what I’m doing right now!

I am in the process of re-establishing “Comm Club,” or Communication Club, as a Voluntary Student Organization at Oregon State. The process is long, and kind of complicated. So before you get excited about making a club, make sure you understand what you will be getting yourself into. And make sure that you have enough committed individuals that are enthusiastic and willing to make your club happen. With that said…

How to Get Clubbin’

The first page you need to head to when you’re thinking about starting a club or organization at OSU is the Student Leadership and Involvement page. You will first want to review the current listing of active student organizations; just to make sure there isn’t one you would like to join that’s already underway!

Once you’ve searched, your next step is to review the student organization classification ( information in order to get a sense of what is required of each categorization moving forward.  Only two of the three classifications – Sponsored & Voluntary Student Organizations – are recognized by the University.  Non-Affiliated Student Organizations are not University recognized, they are just registered.

Depending on your potential organization classification, identify a minimum of 4-10 OSU students (including yourself) interested in supporting the creation of your new organization.

  • Develop a Constitution/Governing Document for your organization including the minimum proscribed guidelines
  • Review the Registration & Recognition information for an overview of the materials that need to be submitted.
  • Schedule a time to meet with a representative from the Student Events & Activities Center

There are TONS of benefits for student organizations. I had no idea! Check this out:

Resources for Student Orgs

Not a business major? Keep reading to get some suggestions about how to fund raise for your organization.

Important things to remember when you are organizing a fundraiser, as stated by Student Leadership and Involvement:

  • All fundraising events must be sponsored by a registered student organization. Events should be registered at least 2 week before the event date. 
  • All financial transactions must be handled by members of the student organization.
  • All funds raised from the event should be deposited into the student organization’s MU Account (MU 215).
  • An individual or individuals of the student organization may not participate for private financial gain.
  • If collecting currency, use a cash box from the MU Accounting (MU 215).
  • All checks must be written to the student organization.
  • Event admission charges shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, disabled veteran, or Vietnam-era veteran status.
  • All costs associated with the use of state tax-supported facilities must be paid by the student organization.
FUNdraising Ideas 

  • Coffee and donut sale
  • Bagel and pretzel sale
  • Candy sale
  • Bake sale (make sure items are properly packaged and from a licensed kitchen)
  • Auction
  • Balloon sale
  • Art/poster sale
  • Plant/Flower sale
  • Buttons/t-shirts/bumper sticker/other
  • Holiday bazaar
  • Benefit dance/concert
  • Student-faculty talent/art show
  • Birthday cake delivery
  • Singing message
  • Finals care package
  • Tournaments/Contests
  • Banquets/roasts
  • Progressive dinner party
  • Merchant donations
  • Pledges
  • Membership dues
  • Immobile bicycle-a-thon
  • Marathons (run, walk, jog, eat, see-saw, dance, cards, board games, etc.)
  • Antique show
  • Ushers for events
  • Art fair
  • Haunted house
  • Provide work force for events
  • Car wash
  • Recycling drive
  • Guess beans in a jar (or variation)

Funding Resources

Student organization funding may come from many different sources.  Some organizations institute dues or participation fees, host fundraisers or solicit funding from many places including those listed below.  Student organization fundraising activities being held on campus must be reported through the student organization database.  The Student Events & Activities Center can provide ideas for successful fundraisers. Take a peek at the options below for possible funding assistance—

Student-Fee-Funded Organizations

Student fees are utilized to support student organization development and activities.  These funds are made available through a number of funding boards, depending on unique criteria (i.e. sport clubs are funded through the recreational sports board).  Additionally, some student organizations receive annual funding or fund balance allocation through the Educational Activities Committee.

Educational Activities

Recognized student organizations may be able to receive funding from the Educational Activities Committee (ED-ACT) which exists to support the cultural and intellectual community on campus, to address the needs of students who are members of an underrepresented group, and to increase student retention through the contribution of extracurricular programs.

Student Foundation

Student organizations can apply for funding from the Student Foundation. The foundation will consider funding events, equipment purchases, travel, and more. To apply, pick-up an application in the Student Events & Activities Center (MU 103). You can also email


If your club or organization affiliated with a campus department, you may be able to request financial assistance. Some of the key components to a request include showing how the department and students within the department would benefit.

*Don’t assume that your department will have the funds to support your club or org. For example, the Speech Communication department is not able to provide Comm Club with any financial support.

Community Businesses or Organizations

You may want to consider requesting funds from a community business or organization (some examples include grocery stores, CH2MHill, banks, HP, new businesses, restaurants). Sponsorship requests to companies or corporations should be made in writing with a professional quality letter or proposal. Include the purpose of the request, the history of the program, type of recognition offered to donors, and instructions on how to make the gift. It is important to follow-up with an in-person visit.

National Organization

Some student organizations may find national organizations or grants will support their activities. Use your advisor and other professional resources to help locate these opportunities.

Listserves- a SUPER HELPFUL way of getting your club out there!

Once your group has completed the annual registration process, you may want to create a group email listserve to help manage communication with your members. To establish a listserve, go to the OSU Mailing Lists site and fill out the on-line listserve request form.

Workshops-Leadership and Organization Development Resources

The Peer Leadership Consultants (PLCs) of the Student Leadership & Involvement staff are available to present on a variety of leadership and organization development workshops. You just have to fill out a request form at least 2 weeks in advance. Workshop examples:

*How to be a Juicy, Succulent Student Leader

*Communication and Conflict Resolution

*Ethics in Leadership and Decision Making

**An important side note

You can also start a sport club with OSU Rec Sports (aka Dixon). Contact the sport clubs and intramural sports office at (541) 737-4083. Word on the street is that lots of OSU students are requesting a “Quidditch” club…but nobody has created one yet. Will it be you?


By Alison Blazer

Welcome back to campus Liberal Arts students! Winter term is upon us and it’s a new and exciting time to get involved on campus! After having survived those first few months of college, it’s common for students to explore new outlets for their free time. Getting involved gives students new ways to express their creativity or fine tune the skills they already possess, while also eliminating some of that pesky free time spent sitting in the residence halls, so get up and get going because Oregon State is full of opportunities!

I’m sure many of you that are eager to get involved and more acclimated to campus, but you just don’t know how- I’m here to help. One major benefit of attending a large public university such as Oregon State is that there is a niche for everyone. My freshman year, I decided to delve into extracurricular activities first thing winter term. What was I interested in? Where did I want to help out on campus? Like many new students on campus, I was lost and turned to exploring the OSU website in hopes that something would catch my eye.  Two weeks later, I was a weekly columnist for The Daily Barometer, having never written for a school paper before and was simultaneously going through the interview process to become an INTO OSU Conversant. Through these programs I met other students, improved my writing and interpersonal skills and got to know faculty members. Getting involved on campus is like a game of dominoes, once you take the first step and get involved with a program (even if it doesn’t end up being the one for you) your experiences and the people you meet lead you directly to other opportunities on campus and before you know it, you’ll be as busy as your Liberal Arts Ambassadors!

On campus, there are countless cultural and resource centers, clubs, student run organizations etc. that are always looking for new members. For those of you interested in community service, the Center for Civic Engagement on campus is always welcoming volunteers. The Associated Students of Oregon State University (ASOSU) is our student government, so if you’re someone who wants to make a change on campus, or get involved with politics on a small scale, ASOSU is an excellent option. The Memorial Union Programs Council (MUPC) handles campus wide events such as Snow in the Quad and Dad’s Weekend– so for all you event coordinators out there, a visit to the Memorial Union would be a good first step to take this Winter. These are just a few of the numerous options for involvement at OSU, the rest of which can be found on the OSU website under the section entitled “Get Involved”. If you’re worried about picking the right program, worried about something being too hard or too time consuming- stop worrying and get out there! Joining a cause on campus doesn’t have to be permanent- if it’s not the right fit for you then so be it, but taking a chance on involvement could change the course of your college experience here at OSU. Student involvement may shed light on interests you didn’t even know you had so take advantage of all OSU has to offer and fill your time with some activities that broaden your horizons and expand your resume this winter!