By Hannah Whitley

Just one example of the countless free, weekly events open to the public, a panel on the topic of “Striking a Balance: Work, Family, and Life” was a big hit for those in attendance this past Friday, April 8th.

Hosted by OSU Women in Policy, an on-campus forum dedicated to women and allies engaging in policy, networking, and mentorship, “Striking a Balance” featured a panel of four OSU faculty members: Dr. Kelsy Kretschmer (Assistant Professor, Sociology), Dr. Ana Spalding (Assistant Professor, Marine and Coastal Policy), Dr. Hilary Boudet (Assistant Professor, Climate Change and Energy), and Dr. Stephanie Bernell (Associate Professor, Department of Public Health).

Speaking about their experiences working in academia, participating in higher education, balancing a family, and their personal lives, each panelist brought their own unique backgrounds into the conversation, with some panelists having worked in academia longer than others, some currently experiencing life with infants, and others having recently relocated to the Corvallis area. Each panelist told their own tales of struggling to balance child care, moving, higher education, and the stress of relationships; while their experiences differed, though, each panelist stressed the importance of networking, finding a mentor, and not being afraid of opening up about your personal life.

This panel is just one example of all the incredible extra-curricular events offered at Oregon State University. For a full list of events, visit Oregon State’s Events Calendar at, and be sure to watch your e-mail for listserv announcements and check College webpages for more information.

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