by Hannah Whitley


It’s almost Valentine’s Day – you know what that means! No, not time for pink and red roses or an assorted box of chocolates, but time to schedule an appointment with your College of Liberal Arts adviser. For those of you who don’t know, first year students are required to meet with an adviser in the CLA’s main office each term before registering for classes. It is suggested that freshman and transfer students schedule their advising appointments early each term – typically around Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and Cinco de Mayo. To make an advising appointment with the CLA main office, stop by 213 Gilkey Hall or call 541-737-0561.

Sophomore students and above are not required to meet with their advisers each term, however, you should plan on meeting with your Major Adviser if you have any questions relating to major course selection, internships, studying abroad, etc. Not sure who your Major Adviser is? Visit for more info.
I recently sat down with Kathy Fultz, an Academic Advisor in the College of Liberal Arts, to get her input on what a successful advising appointment looks like; here’s what she said:

Hannah Whitley: In your opinion, what does a successful advising appointment look like?

Kathy Fultz: A student who has all their questions answered. And if we didn’t have the answers, resources ho how/where to get them answered. Advising is more than “take these classes, get these grades, and you will graduate.” My goal is for students to recognize that they’re not just a number – more than an OSU ID, more than a GPA. What really matters is are you [the student] enjoying this [college]? We want you to be heard and understood.

HW: What can students do to be prepared for their advising appointment?

KF: Come with ideas and suggestions – bombard us with questions! We want you to be engaged and interested in your education.

HW: What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to students and advising?

KF: A student who comes in and doesn’t have an idea of what they want to do or what direction they’d like to go in someone who doesn’t care about their education and simply says, “tell me what I need to take.”

Remember: Advisers do not have all the answers! Ultimately, you are responsible for your education and your decisions here at OSU, but advisers are a great asset that can help you find the resources and contacts needed to answer your questions and meet your goals!

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