Jon BosworthBy Jon Bosworth

Whether you just began your college career or you’re finishing soon and the real world is fast approaching, there is nothing more stressful and exciting than searching for jobs. Luckily, Oregon State University has great resources available for students to take advantage of at any time throughout their undergraduate years and beyond.

Begin your job search at, here you’ll find a TON of information about jobs on and off campus, career fairs, and even handouts guiding you through each step of the application process. If you want to meet with someone in person to discuss your career options, review your résumé, or conduct a mock interview, you can do that too! The Career Development Center is located in B008 Kerr Administration Building and has a staff of professionals willing and ready to help you achieve your goal!

If you’re a current or prospective student and are looking for an on-campus position, the Career Development Center homepage has links to a list of on-campus jobs ranging from administrative assistants to food service workers to undergraduate research. If you’re like me and getting ready to graduate soon, visit Beaver Careers at and explore the hundreds of companies and careers that want to hire Oregon State graduates. As Oregon State University students, our skills and abilities are in high demand in the workforce and we have the tools necessary to get us the perfect job on our way to our dream career.

Happy job hunting!

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