McKenzie Rossby McKenzie Ross


It’s that time yet again: multitudes of finals, widespread panic, and thoughts of dropping out. As we leave dead week behind, I thought it’d be a nice time to pull out some study-don’ts.

Let me break it down real slow:


1. Listening to music while you study.
“So I can’t listen to my dope jams and still get A’s?” Well, some jams are A-Okay. It’s not music in general that’s the problem; it’s the lyrics. So, press pause on Taylor Swift and play something like this or this instead. If you’re a minimalist, I suggest this website. For the true Oregonian I suggest this one.

2. “Studying” by re-reading.
Nope. Uh-uh. This isn’t a study method. Review method sure, but how much of that info are you actually retaining? This is called pseudo-studying, kids. It’s a great way to make yourself yawn and say, “yeah, yeah, I know all this” when you don’t. Not to mention, it’s a great way to consume valuable time. Instead, try rewriting your notes, creating a chapter outline, or making some flash cards; equally as time consuming, but definitely more efficient.

3. Forgetting Self-care.
If you’re sleepy, if your tum is rumbling, if you’ve been at it for hours, it becomes difficult to do your best. Self-care is a large component of overall study success, yet it’s probably the most overlooked. Mix this with the glorification of all-nighters and you’ve got students who appear “well-studied” but aren’t necessarily ready for their exams. My rule is to prepare for studying like you’re preparing for an adventure. You’ll need to be well rested, have a pack full of snacks (and water), along with the ability to discern when a break is needed.

Once you’ve crossed all these off your checklist, you’re ready to vanquish the dragon known as studying.


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