Breanna Balleby Breanna Balleby

At the end of Week 9 of Winter 2015, the end of yet another term is near. Yet, the promise of a lively and beautiful term at Oregon State is just about to arrive – Spring 2015. I’m about to head into my fourth and final spring term at OSU and I couldn’t be looking forward to it more!

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAYes, each term at OSU has it’s own events and special qualities. Fall term is always buzzing with excitement and the feeling of change as the leaves begin to change color and the first-year students begin to adapt to their life on campus. Winter term usually brings it down a notch and everyone buckles down in the MU Lounge or their favorite study spot with a warm and cozy caffeinated drink. Of course, many of us secretly (or not so secretly) wish for the spontaneous gift of a snow day—although for those of us who experienced Snowpocalypse last year, I think we’ve had plenty of that for a while. In contrast, spring term comes right on the tail of winter term and Spring Break, promising many sunny days and end-of-the-year activities.

crowdFor me, spring term always seems to be packed. When registering for spring term I am always trying to make sure I am available as possible for all of the opportunities that are available in this busy and beautiful term. Campus-wide events such as the Mom’s & Family Weekend, Relay for Life, and DAM JAM bring a passionate and fiery element to the OSU community. Plus, of course, everyone can look forward to moving on to the next chapter at the end of the term. For some this might be feeling accomplished in successfully completing their first year, and for others it may be graduating from OSU in June.


The College of Liberal Arts has unique spring term activities that I look forward to each year in addition to the plethora of musical and theatrical performances, academic presentations, and guest lectures that we see each term in CLA. For example, the First Year Student Matriculation is such a great way to recognize the success of CLA’s first-year students. As a CLA Ambassador, I have attended or helped with this event almost every year and I love seeing how well the first-year students have transitioned and adjusted, especially in comparison to the CLA CONNECT Barbeque when they first arrived to campus. CLA celebrates the success and brilliance of our students through the CLA Scholarship Reception and the CLA Graduation Reception – the latter of which I look forward to participating in this year.


wickerIn short, with all of this positive and celebratory activity (plus the typically beautiful weather), how could one not love spring term? It certainly makes the top of my list of my favorite things at OSU…so much so that I’m somewhat sad to say Spring 2015 will be my last spring term as an OSU undergraduate in the College of Liberal Arts. No matter what, let’s make it a great one – here’s to Spring 2015!

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