Logan Pedersen Logan Pedersen

Looking for an interesting bacc core class you will enjoy throughout the entire term regardless of what major you’re in? If so, look no further than Music Cultures of the World (MUS 108)! This inspirational, motivational, and thought provoking class teaches the true Native American values of “One Heart.” On top of that you gain a whole new experience of learning the Native American flute! No text books are required, and a handmade Cedar Native American Flute is included with the class. This is a three credit class that meets once a week for two hours. It requires no prior music knowledge, and throughout the course you will be taught songs by the Native American Artist of the Year: Jan Michael Looking Wolf! If you’re at all interested in hearing some of his incredibly beautiful music, here’s a link http://lookingwolf.com/ .

Professor Jan Michael plays solos and improvises before, during, and after class. Not only does this class enrich the mind, it feeds the soul. I personally gained a new perspective on life after taking this class, and it opened my eyes to a culture I didn’t know a lot about. To this day, I still play my Native American Flute; the sound is soothing and relaxing. This is a class you won’t forget…I highly recommend you take it! You won’t regret it.


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