Jon Bosworth by Jon Bosworth


Temperatures are dropping, leaves are falling, and the dreaded rain is returning once again. While fall brings memories of pumpkin patches, choosing costumes, and Pumpkin Spiced Lattés, it also marks the start of midterm season. Unlike high school, many of the classes here at OSU place a great deal of emphasis on tests during the middle of the term (commonly known as midterms). These are an opportunity for professors to check your progress in the class as well as make sure that you are up to date on the material. Midterms can also be extremely stressful, with students feeling that their entire grade depends on the success of this one test. While this is often not the case, there are a few helpful tips that you should know to do before taking your midterm.

• Make a Plan: All too often students study for the wrong things or even aren’t able to review all the course materials. When you make a study plan and follow it, you are able to cover the full   course and gain a better understanding of what you will be tested on.
• Start Early: When students start the studying process early it can significantly reduce stress and allow your brain time to fully learn the subject matter. When you cram for an exam at the last minute you are less able to remember everything and study all the course material. Starting early can guarantee this won’t happen.
• Sleep: In an era of coffee, caffeine, and insomnia no one is getting enough sleep. Sleep is crucial to your academic success and health. An adequate amount of sleep also reduces stress and allows your brain to fully remember all you learned in that intense study session. Plan for 7 to 8 hours of sleep, make it a priority, and enjoy!

Regardless of your understanding of the course material today, following these three pieces of advice is sure to significantly increase your grade and decrease stress. Through hard work and dedication midterm exams can be a success, setting you up for a positive and relaxed rest of the term.

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