Hannah Whitley by Hannah Whitley

Hey there, fellow Beavers!

Welcome to Week 2 of Fall Term. If you’re like me, your days have begun filling up with lectures, social events, club open houses, intramural sport practices, hall council meetings, work, and the dreaded reality of college homework. The task of keeping up with your reading assignments, midterms, labs, group projects, social events, and ‘me’ time may seem daunting, but I promise- it can and will be done! Here are few simple time management tips that can help you keep your schedule (and your sanity) in check this year.

1. Use a planner

Any type of planner! Paper calendars, pocket schedules, cell phones, and laptop calendars- anything will work. By physically inputting activities and assignments into your life, you will no        longer have to stress over keeping every event in your head! Make sure to make your planner a part of your daily routine by filling in your assignment due dates, midterm exams, and social activities as soon as you learn them. Don’t be afraid to establish a color-coding system you can use to prioritize your schedule. Your planner is your best friend, and may be your life saver!

2. Don’t be afraid to make a to-do list

Organizing your thoughts with a list can help you see a physical outline of what you have done and what you must complete. As you cross items off your list, you will feel a sense of accomplishment in having completed something! To-do lists help me stay productive and motivated; the faster I finish my list, the more ‘me’ time I can have.

3. Schedule time for exercise, social, and ‘me’ time

As your course load may seem to be piling higher and higher with requirements, be sure to keep your sanity by matching work and school time with personal time. Exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety. Feeling overwhelmed by life? Grab some friends and go for a quick walk around campus! Keep yourself surrounded with like-minded friends who push you to your fullest potential- it is helpful to lean on others to produce motivation. If you feel stressed, make sure to alter your plans to make some time for yourself. Schedule in some time to read one of your favorite books, cook a meal, go for a bike ride, catch a movie- whatever makes you happy! When it comes down to it, planning is key to a healthy, productive, and stress-free life.

4. Utilize campus resources

Oregon State’s Academic Success Center (located in Waldo Hall) provides many resources which support students in overcoming challenges and promoting student’s personal and academic success. Academic coaching appointments provide one-on-one sessions with discussion topics focusing on (personal) time management, test preparation and taking, procrastination, and stress reduction. Academic coaches are instrumental in developing personal time management strategies for students who are unsure on how to balance their lives. Academic coaching sessions are free to undergraduate students! To schedule an appointment, please call the Academic Success Center at (541) 737-2272, or visit them in Waldo 102

5. And finally… Keep calm!

Remember, your fellow 24,000+ Beavers are balancing the same things you are. Take a few slow, easy breaths; everything will work out in the end.

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