KatyBy Katy Krieger

Spring Break is right around the corner and many people want to return next term revived and ready to rumble! In honor of this idea, I have put together a list of ways to restyle your life.

Fashion week showed that slicked back hairstyles are on trend for all genders so give this look a try by polishing up your locks. Also, try lightening your hair color for something new (the honey hues will add some warmth and golden tones will pop out after being drab during winter)

Invest in some brightly colored kicks to draw attention to your feet as you hike around campus- might I suggest a personal favorite of mine which are TOMS http://www.toms.com/

ref2Add some drama to your living quarters with a graphic new rug or chair (psssttt IKEA trip anyone?)

Download new and free apps on your smartphone to organize your life because there are some great ones out there that go beyond the simple calendar or alarm

Take inspiration from Beyoncé and go vegan/vegetarian for a while to add some new foods into your life and cut down on your environmental footprint

Join a social media challenge that fits what part of your life you want to change- personally I join the fashion challenges on Instagram that give you a new direction each day to take your style in such as stripes one day and an old world glamour look the next


Stretch it out, no seriously I mean literally stretch it out because we can get tight and wound up all day so giving our bodies a chance to reset itself is a very easy way to balance everything

Commit to an item or two on your bucket list so that you can really feel like you are starting the term off by accomplishing some wonderful things (bonus points if you get others to check off their lists as well)

Donate some of your old clothes or textiles, give a few hours to a local group serving the community or help a neighbor with their spring cleaning so that your change reaches more than just you

I hope these tips can help you reboot things and as you do remember the following, “Keep it Simple”!


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