By Casey Colvin

It’s almost time to register for summer classes!! This is a great opportunity to get caught up if you are feeling behind in your requirements or to work ahead if you want to finish college sooner rather than later!

One of the really cool opportunities that students can take advantage of is to take an entire year of a language at an accelerate pace during the summer time. For example, if you want to start taking Spanish for your BA or maybe you’ve done your first year already and want to finish your second year, you can enroll in either Spanish 117 or Spanish 217. These eight week long classes cover the entire first and second years of Spanish during the eight week summer session.  These classes are a very intensive program and are often compared to a language immersion experience because you meet for multiple hours a day and four or five days a week!

If you are considering taking one, two, or five summer classes, I highly recommend it. Registration begins April 14th at 12:01 AM which is early this Sunday morning. Mark your calendars!  I took two summer classes online last year during the first four-week session, yes I said four (not ten) weeks. Wowzers! These classes move at a very different pace, so if you sign up for summer classes make sure to double check when the class starts and ends.

There are six sessions to choose from when considering taking summer classes. The break down is like this: There is one session that last for ten weeks, three sessions that last four weeks each, one session that lasts eight weeks and finally one session that only lasts one week. For more information about when they start and end, please view the summer calendar here.

As you can see, there are many options to chose from, so no excuses people! Not only are there multiple session to pick from, but there are 1300 classes available!

For a whole bucket load of information regarding summer classes, go to the following link:

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