By Angel Martinez

Hey everyone! So it is week five and I hope we’re all handling the onset of midterms and assignments coming our way. We’re almost half way to spring break w00t!

As an ambassador it has been a joy to write blogs and try to connect with all of you fellow students in the college of liberal arts. Unfortunately since I am a senior, I won’t be able to continue as an ambassador when I graduate in June. This is true for a couple of the CLA ambassadors, but as they say, one man’s pain is another man’s pleasure.

Since not everyone who is a current ambassador will be continuing in the fall there is a great opportunity for you all to apply now to become and CLA Ambassador! It’s a wonderful chance not only learn more about the college that you are in, but also to represent this great college to new and prospective students coming to OSU. As if that wasn’t enough, every CLA Ambassador will receive a $300 scholarship towards their tuition, and it doesn’t look bad on a resume either.

I became an ambassador because I wanted to be more involved with my college. After spending a major part of my sophomore year isolated from campus I decided my junior year that I was going to get reconnected. Being an ambassador has been a wonderful experience. I’ve met new faculty, made new friends, and interacted with some fantastic people that I may not have met otherwise. A couple of your other ambassadors have also written why they chose to apply and what they enjoy most from this experience.

Morgan Willer I chose to apply because I felt disconnected from Oregon State University. I loved our campus and all the things we stood for, and still do, so I knew I would be good at representing it. I love talking to new students and helping them out so I thought being an ambassador would be a good fit. My favorite thing is being able to talk to all the new students. The best feeling is when you meet a student who you share common interests with and you’re able to help them find their path at OSU

Katy Krieger Meeting students and talking them through the whole coming to OSU process has been really great. I’ve also enjoyed getting close to the ambassador group and bonding so that together we are a strong team. Another great experience is discussing unknown areas, like research or specific majors that excite students and get them into CLA or something new!

Applications are due February 22nd at 5pm. If you have any questions you can contact Kerry Thomas, the CLA Ambassador Coordinator,

You can find more information by clicking the link below.

Applying Info Link:

I’m excited to see you all in the spring, good luck!

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