By Mary Chuinard, Academic Advisor

How would you like to make bank for writing an essay?  “Show me the money” you say? Well this isn’t Jerry Maguire but I can tell you that the College of Liberal Arts scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year are open and receiving applications.

Our College has six scholarships just for CLA majors. Check out our website to see if you are eligible to apply for that money. Don’t wait because the application deadline is Friday, March 30th, 2012.

Scholarships are worth the time you put in to them. Think about it this way, if you spend two hours working on a $400 scholarship that you receive, you are basically earning $200/hour for your time and effort. Make sure to utilize the Writing Center on Campus to review your application materials prior to submission so that they are as good as they can be!

There are many places to find scholarship money.  Just a few are listed below: (national level) (state level) (OSU specific) (College of Liberal Arts specific)

Remember to check your local charitable organizations (e.g. Lions and Elks clubs), your bank or credit union, your parents’ place of work or any other organization in which you have affiliation for other scholarship opportunities.

Application deadlines vary for all of the above scholarships. If you finda scholarship that you are perfect for but the deadline has passed, mark your calendar and apply next year.

Remember to check out our website soon to see if you are eligible for any of our College scholarships and get your application in to our office in Gilkey 213, by 5:00pm on Friday, March 30th, 2012.


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