CLA Research feature in OSU Alumni magazine

The spring issue of the OSU Alumni Association magazine, The Oregon Stater, contains an insert produced by the College of Liberal Arts Communications Director, Celene Carillo.  The Leading Edge features stories about the worldwide reach of CLA activities.

Page 8 highlights the recent growth and goals of the CLA Research office. Page 9 contains brief summaries of specific projects that were made possible by grants.  Alumni can learn about grant funded projects by Lori Cramer and Flaxen Conway, Hilary Boudet, Joseph Krause and Nabil Boudraa, and Jacob Hamblin.

Another summary on page 9 about artists Shelley Jordon and Kerry Skarbakka demonstrates what can happen with internally funded projects. Moreover, Shelley Jordon leveraged this small internal grant and received an additional $6,000 grant from the Oregon Arts Commission (link to OAC announcement). These internal grants make so much possible. Here’s a recent blog post about this internal funding program.

To read The Leading Edge

Click on the above OSU Alumni Association link to learn more about The Oregon Stater, or go straight to The Leading Edge. and be sure to check out pages 8 and 9.  Page 10 features a map to show the worldwide reach of CLA activities.

As stated on the OSU Alumni webpage, “Not all recipients of the print Stater receive these inserts, but they’re available to everyone here in electronic form.”

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