I currently teach FW 620 (Ecological Policy) in Fall and Spring Quarters as an Oregon State University Ecampus online course.  FW 620 is designed for graduate students in natural resources, environmental sciences, ecological sciences, natural resource and ecological economics, oceanography, civil engineering, marine resource management, political science, environmental ethics, and others with a background and interest in ecological policy, environmental protection, and natural resource management issues.


The catalog description for FW 620:


              Emphasis is on current and controversial North American and international ecological policy issues.  Primary focus is exploring the role of scientists, technocrats, elected and appointed officials, the public, and interest/advocacy groups in ecological policy analysis and implementation.  Specific topics and case studies considered are:  (1) basic principles of policy analysis;  (2) managing wildfire on public lands;  (3) balancing competing demands for scarce water supplies;  (4) managing large predatory wildlife, especially wolves, cougars, and grizzlies;  (5) recovering and sustaining wild salmon runs;  (6) determining appropriate use of genetically modified organisms;  (7) resolving multiple use conflicts in managing public forests;  (8) tackling human-caused climate change;  (9) assessing the political clashes over whaling and other marine mammals;   and (10) unscrambling conflict and controversy over marine protected areas and ecosystem management.


For more information about this course, check out the Syllabus:

Recent FW 620 Syllabus