Dr. Bob Lackey is professor of fisheries science at Oregon State University.  In 2008 he retired after 27 years with the Environmental Protection Agency’s national research laboratory in Corvallis where he served as Deputy Director, Associate Director for Science, and in other senior leadership positions.  Since his very first fisheries and wildlife job mucking out raceways in a California trout hatchery, he has worked on an assortment of environmental and natural resource issues from various positions in government and academia.  His professional assignments involved diverse and politically contentious issues, but mostly he has operated at the interface between science and policy.  He has published over 100 articles in scientific and professional journals and is a fellow of the American Fisheries Society and the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists.  Dr. Lackey has long been an educator, having taught at five North American universities and currently teaches a graduate course in ecological policy at Oregon State University.  Canadian by birth, he is now a U.S.-Canadian dual-citizen living in Corvallis, Oregon.  





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