someone’s penny, another’s gold!

Monday 14th: University of NE feedlot, campus & tractor testing Facility

Another great day in the books! We started our day off with a tour of the University of Nebraska beef feedlot. What an operation! The tour started with the first section of the lot, mostly just pens of animals that were being studied for research purposes. Next, we went to the rations yard, where the workers mixed all of the rations in a mixing truck, each with a scale to customize the ration for each pen. Our tour guide was the manager of the livestock portion of the operation, and he was a great tour guide, answering all of our questions and showing us as much as the operation as possible. It was awesome to be able to see their feeding set-up in working order; they were the same things that Purina used at their research facility. Unfortunately, we were not able to tour the packing plant and slaughter portion of the feedlot, but it is something I would have liked to see! 11037031_10205011761757191_8360072444466021524_n

After touring the feedlot we drove to the college to tour their campus where we were greeted by all sorts of kind staff members and students. My favorite part of the campus tour was the animal science building, there were actually animals all over the building; from horses to fisculated beef and dairy cattle. After touring the main campus we walked over to their tractor testing facility, unfortunately we didn’t see any tractors get tested but we did get to see some very unique tractors from the past!12028959_10205058946616783_1039319226_n 11998514_10205058946576782_289343523_n

Lastly, we got a full tour of the football stadium and their facilities and actually got to walk on their field. This part of the tour was neat because we actually got to see where our old coach is now calling home, like they say, one persons penny is someone elses gold! Our tour guide for the stadium was very enthused to be there and really put forth some effort to make it as great and realistic as possible. 12011376_10205044326851298_7499866830915479838_nstay tuned for more updates from just another woman in agriculture, as I tour the midwest! PS. tomorrowś the last day on tour!

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