Oregon State University
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The Jones Lab

Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

USRA Engage opportunities for undergraduate researchers at OSU

November 3rd, 2014

The Jones lab has an opportunity to do research in our lab as part of the USRA Engage program.

Here is a short description of our proposed research, this would be an ideal project for a student interested in bioinformatics and genomics.

Tropical forests harbor the majority of the Earth’s terrestrial diversity. Global climate change is predicted to affect the tropics by generating changes in total annual rainfall, seasonality and the severity and frequency of extreme events. The goal of this project is to characterize the genome variation of ten common tropical species that are distributed along a drought gradient in Panama.  This information, combined with field experiments, will help us determine how much of these species’ genetic diversity is locally adapted in the landscape and might be under selection and therefore important in a species ability to respond to changing climate.

More can be found here.

Contact Dr. Jones for more information or stop by Cordley 2070 to talk in person!

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