Oregon State University
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The Jones Lab

Plant Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

REU Program in Integrative Tropical Biology

March 6th, 2014

What is the STRI | REU program?

STRI’s program in Integrative Tropical Biology is
an international experience for students from the
US and Latin America.
The  10-week program is built on three broad
research themes:
– Adaptation and Resilience,
– Species Interactions, and
– Drivers of Ecosystem Change.
Each theme is driven by the common need to understand how
biological systems are integrated to answer questions about
the origins, maintenance, and preservation of biodiversity.
Over the 10 weeks, you will conduct mentor-driven research
at STRI on a project tailored to your specific interest (see
stri.si.edu/reu for a list of scientists and potential projects).
Additionally, you will participate in workshops, professional
development activities, and networking events that will
challenge you to critically
think about science.

Who is eligible?
We are looking for 3rd or 4th year undergraduates who are
interested in exploring the processes that generate our
world’s extraordinary diversity. Our program reaches across
disciplines and students enrolled in the traditional life science
departments (e.g. biology, ecology, botany, etc.), as well as,
engineering, mathematics, and computer science departments
are strongly encouraged to apply. We also encourage
applications from groups under-represented in the sciences.

What will you gain?
• Cutting edge research experience
• Greater understanding of tropical ecosystems
• Experience in how to publish and communicate science
• Expanded knowledge of Latin American culture
• Opportunity to improve your foreign language skills

What will interns receive?
• Airfare, housing, and food allowance
• A $5,000 stipend


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