November 2nd, 2015
Science organization wins role model award
Congratulations to our SACNAS chapter for winning the Outstanding Development and Outreach Role Model Award at SACNAS 2015!
Congratulations to our SACNAS chapter for winning the Outstanding Development and Outreach Role Model Award at SACNAS 2015!
Oregon State chemistry alumna and Texas A&M chemistry professor, Karen Wooley (’88) will deliver the College of Science Distinguished Lecture on November 4, 2015.
Dean Evasius, NSF Division Director of Graduate Education, will present, “A Dialogue on Graduate Education at the National Science Foundation” October 20.
Oregon State University has been awarded a chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Society, the nation’s oldest scholastic honorary, founded in 1776.
Janet Tate, Dr. Russ and Dolores Gorman Faculty Scholar and physics professor, has been elected an American Physical Society Fellow.
Science faculty and students nabbed top honors at 2015 University Day, an annual tradition of ushering in the academic year by honoring extraordinary accomplishments.
The Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics welcomed ushered in fall term with a department picnic last week, attracting more than 100 faculty and students.
Fantastic attendance at this year’s Fall Welcoming Social, sponsored by the College of Science Student Advisory Committee. Nice work, COSSAC! Check out the photos.
The College of Science recognized excellence in research, scholarship, administration and service at its 2015 Faculty and Staff Awards.
The College of Science Student Advisory Committee hosts annual Fall Welcoming Social for all new science students September 23.
Doctoral student Michelle Wiley receives the 2015-16 Christopher and Catherine Mathews Graduate Fellowship in the Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics.
Science students present their research at the Undergraduate Research Summer Symposium August 27 from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm in ALS, room 4000.
Integrative Biology doctoral students Holland Elder and Caroline Glidden have received the prestigious NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards this year.
The College of Science had a record year for research funding with more than $26 million in grants.
The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics hosts inaugural Genetic Code Expansion workshop offering training in GCE technology.
Heidi Schellman is the newly elected vice chair of the Commission on Particles and Fields within the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics