April 24th, 2017
Informing Policy: Taking science to policymakers
Given the risks of climate change, scientists are moving beyond their traditional comfort zone and speaking out about the public value of their research.
Materials scientists at Oregon State are working on new energy and environmental applications that will contribute to a healthy planet.
Associate Professor of Statistics, Sarah Emerson presented a talk at the Corvallis Women in Data Science (WiDs) satellite event on February 3, 2017.
Three science students and alumni have received prestigious Fulbright Awards for the 2017-2018 academic year.
The Microbiomes: Connecting Communities exhibit is open to the public until May 12, and displays artwork by students and faculty/staff shaped by collaborations between art […]
The discovery of a reverse gear in a motor protein could help us understand cancer growth and guide design of a more targeted drug delivery […]
Biochemistry and molecular biology junior Tricia Chau received a 2017 Tunison Scholarship for her impressive scholarly achievements.
Three Ph.D. students in integrative biology and microbiology receive prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program fellowships for 2017.
Science students and their families are invited to special 2017 Spring Family Weekend events co-hosted by the College of Science and Honors College.
An award symposium will be held in honor of Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, Douglas Keszler at the American Chemical Society conference, April 2-6, 2017.
Science Worth Spreading is a series of powerful 7-minute talks from Oregon State scientists followed by a mind-bending conversation on science April 22, 2017.
Chemist Staci Simonich explains how tiny toxic air particles travel great distances and significantly increase overall health risks in an interview for Living on Earth […]
Chemistry instructor Richard Nafshun receives 2017 Outstanding Educator in Science and Mathematics in Higher Education Award by the Oregon Academy of Science.