March 9th, 2016
An “arms race”: The evolution of snakes
The inaugural Robert M. Storm Distinguished Lecture in Integrative Biology on “Arms races, the evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance ” will be held March 11.
The inaugural Robert M. Storm Distinguished Lecture in Integrative Biology on “Arms races, the evolution of tetrodotoxin resistance ” will be held March 11.
After 20 months, we are excited to launch the College of Science Strategic Plan 2015-2020: LEAD—Learn, Engage, Achieve, Discover: Global Excellence in Science.
Science alumnus Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy will host a lunch discussion with students about his career path in science. He is a scientist at Health Metrics […]
Science alumni, friends and faculty are invited to Oregon State University’s 2016 State of the University Address February 12 at the Oregon Convention Center in […]
Oregon State Mathematics Alumni are invited to a special reception in their honor at JMM 2016 in Seattle Thursday, January 7, 2016.
Alumna Carolyn Hennig (’64) remembers long years of struggling to pay for her science education which is what inspired her to establish an endowed scholarship.
The College of Science honored three distinguished individuals at its 2015 Alumni Awards recognizing their achievements and service.
Check out the photos from our Fall 2015 Distinguished Lecture featuring chemistry alumna Karen Wooley who discussed the next generation of plastics.
The College of Science is proud to honor three distinguished alumni who are living a life of science and making a difference.
Oregon State chemistry alumna and Texas A&M chemistry professor, Karen Wooley (’88) will deliver the College of Science Distinguished Lecture on November 4, 2015.
Statistics alumni had a strong showing at the American Statistical Society’s 2015 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM)
The College of Science celebrated our extraordinary scholarship students at our annual spring Scholarship Dessert.
Integrative Biology alumna Megan Cook’s (’09) boundless enthusiasm for the ocean has taken her far
Chemistry alumna Karen Wooley’s (’88) exemplary academic career began at Washington University and continued at Texas A&M University.
OSU Physics graduate and undergraduate students perform exceptionally well in the job market.
Simon Johnson (‘09) was a category winner in the 2014 Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists for his essay on translational medicine