July 12th, 2018
Solved protein puzzle opens doors to new designs for cancer drugs
OSU biophysicist Weihong Qiu has solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving the way toward new cancer therapies.
OSU biophysicist Weihong Qiu has solved a longstanding puzzle concerning the design of molecular motors, paving the way toward new cancer therapies.
Physicist’s discovery on light and pollination can have an impact on the $15 billion bee economy.
Professor of Mathematics Malgo Peszynska is elected President of the Pacific Northwest Section of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.
The National Science Board is honoring distinguished marine ecologist Jane Lubchenco with its 2018 Vannevar Bush Award.
Scientists from the Department of Integrative Biology have found that for reef-building corals, not just any symbiotic algae will do.
More than a month before a game-changing detection of a short gamma-ray burst – a finding announced today – scientists at Oregon State University predicted […]