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Leading mathematicians convene for probability conference

The Department of Mathematics at Oregon State University hosted the Frontier Probability Days 2018 (FPD) conference on March 29-31. The conference brought together leading regional and national researchers in probability theory and its applications, along with graduate students and others, to foster interactions and stimulate research activity.

The FPD conference was jointly organized by the math departments at Oregon State, the University of Utah and the University of Arizona, featuring talks by 35 mathematicians from around the country. There were ten plenary talks by mathematicians from the University of Arizona, the University of Maryland, Stanford University, Wesleyan University, University of California, Berkeley, Duke University and other places.

Eminent probabilists from Oregon State Edward Waymire and Robert Burton, who retired in 2017, were honored at the conference with a retirement party.

This meeting was sponsored by the National Science Foundation, the Bernoulli Society of Mathematical Statistics and Probability, the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, and the  Department of Mathematics at OSU. Professor of mathematics Yevgeniy Kovchegov was one of the organizers of the conference.

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