Graduating seniors, we’re celebrating you at these commencement events. Don’t miss them!
College of Science: Science Graduation Reception, June 10, 4:00-5:30 pm, outdoor tent outside Kidder Hall on quad side. Graduates and their families, science faculty, staff and advisors are all welcome!
Biology/zoology: Graduation breakfast, June 11, 8 – 9 am, Cordley Hall Courtyard
Biochemistry/Biophysics: Graduation Dessert, June 10 , 7–9 pm, MU 13 (Multipurpose room)
Chemistry: Commencement Lunch, June 11, 2 – 3 pm , Gilbert GBAD Breezeway
Integrative Biology: Graduation Breakfast, June 11, 8 – 9 am, Cordley Hall Courtyard
Microbiology & BioHealth Sciences: Graduate Luncheon, June 10, noon, Outside Nash Hall – grassy area north of the building
Math: June 10, Graduation Celebration, 2 – 4 pm, Kidder lawn (quad side), or in the Math Learning Center in case of inclement weather.
Physics: Spring Picnic, June 8, 12 – 2 pm, outside between Weniger and Bexell Halls
Check out the many events happening across the university for 2016 graduates.