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Biochemistry student wins top honors at OSU’s undergraduate excellence competition

Congratulations to Hayati Wolfenden, a Biochemistry & Biophysics senior from Bend, Ore., on taking top honors at the 2016 Celebrating Undergraduate Excellence (CUE) competition!

Hayati presented her research: “Site-specific Modification of Glucose Proteins Enabling Precise Surface Orientation for Glucose Sensors.” She worked in the research lab of her advisor Ryan Mehl, an Associate Professor in the Biochemistry and Biophysics Department.

Hayati Wolfenden, student in Biochemistry & Biophysics

Hayati Wolfenden, student in Biochemistry & Biophysics

The annual competition showcases academic or creative work in a formal setting. a mark of true accomplishment in an undergraduate education. Undergraduate research offers students the opportunity to synthesize and apply knowledge while gaining a high level of insight into the process.

Hayati conducted undergraduate research the past two summers supported by a 2015 SURE Science award and a 2014 Cripps Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) award. She is also supported by the George & Marthel Porter Scholarship in the College of Science.

Hayati was the student speaker at the Campaign for OSU Celebration.

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