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Science Career Development Conference

Students who have ever struggled with the question, “What do I  you want to do with my life and how can I get there?” found some relief at the one-day Career Development Conference held Friday, January 22. Specifically designed for seniors in the College of Science who are graduating in 2016, the conference was be held in the Memorial Union Horizon Room from 9 am to 4 pm.

The Career Development Center and the College of Science partnered to host this one-day professional conference. The day-long event featured workshops, presentations from employers and alumni, and networking opportunities.


Keynote speaker Dr. Ramesh Krishnamurthy (’00), Chief for Information Systems and Framework of Health Metrics Network at World Health Organization. Dr. Krishnamurthy hosted a special lunch (featuring Cafe Yumm!) at noon in Kearney Hall, room 311.

LinkedIn – A Powerful Tool for Your Job Search. Speaker: Bruce Hohensee, President of Talent Driven Consulting LLC, a firm specializing in solving recruitment challenges.

Etiquette Lunch – This session focused on how to handle a lunch interview with a prospective employer–domestic or international–and offered helpful techniques to make a strong impression. Speaker: Bonnie Trumbull, founder of Bonnie Trumbull Protocol & Business Etiquette, a corporate etiquette and international protocol consultant.

Webinar: The webinar offered opportunities science majors can use to to get their foot in the door of federal agencies.

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